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Original Duct Tape Duck Halloween Costume

To make this original duct tape Duck Halloween costume get many roles of yellow duct tape and begin forming about 3-4ft in length rows, and double siding it (make sure to it very carefully because duck tape is very hard to pull off when stuck). Then cut out two oval shapes (this will be the base of the body). Then two long rectangular shapes, the length of the rounded side should be the same as the length of the longer side of the rectangle.

When putting the pieces together, tape them flat together, then when up flip it inside out it should give it shape, but note you will have to tape both sides, so make sure your outside is the better of the two sides. Once you have the body, you will need to make the wings, which is two oval shapes put together, and flipped inside out. The tail is a tail shaped, not exactly sure how to explain that. Then the head is a big sphere, with the orange beak open so you can see out. The feet are just two triangular shaped fins with three piece of duct tape half folded together in the middle then the rest suck to the fin to give you a toe like shape to the feet. Also you’ll need to make orange pants out of duct tape.

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