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Piper and Officer Mendez (Pornstache) Couple Costume

If you haven’t watched the show, check it out on Netflix.

Piper’s Costume:

Order nurse scrubs online in either orange, or in this case, tan, which Piper wears in season 2. If you really want orange, I suggest you order them months before October. The orange scrubs sell out fast from what I assume a lot of other people wanting to do this costume. Not seen are the shoes that Piper fashions out of tampons. Just wear flip flips and tape the tampon pads over the straps. Her ID is found online where I printed out the badge, took a picture of the girl wearing the costume, and put it in a lanyard. Total cost $30.

Mendez (Pornstache) Costume:

Ordered the police shirt from a website that sells specific police issued search. I bought iron on letters, a fabric marker, and a USA flag patch from a local craft store. The authentic Prison Union Patch was found on Etsy. You only need it if you want it to be really authentic. The mustache was bought at a Halloween store and trimmed down to shape. Handcuffs were bought there as well. The walkie-talkie was bought online for $10 and adds to the costume. It was tied to my belt and clipped to the shoulder strap. I also went full character by getting the box cut, but you can also use a mullet like Mendez has in the first season. The wording for the shirt can be found online as well to match his shirt. Total cost $60 (not including the haircut, ha ha!)

There were a lot of people wearing OITNB costumes, but the little details will make yours the best. Either way, you will meet a ton of people and take photos.

Piper and Officer Mendez (Pornstache) Couple Costume

Piper and Officer Mendez (Pornstache) Couple Costume

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