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Pretty DIY Pinterest Princess Costume

This Halloween, I basically forgot the holiday existed until about a week before. I’m not sure why, since I spent hours on Pinterest pinning cute costumes and crafts, but I realized I had no costume – severely disappointing. While I didn’t “need” a costume for any one event, I really wanted one. With that in mind, along with my Pinterest obsession, I decided to go creative- a Pinterest Princess.

Creating the costume was super simple. I compiled my favorite pins from the site, what I thought most embodied Pinterest’s nature – the snacks, advice, crafts, fashion, everything! You can check it out here http://www.pinterest.com/sarahehenkel/halloween-costume-pinterest-princess/. Then I used the print preview as PDF on a zoomed page and printed all my pins, including their descriptions. I had a few printed issues so some pins ran together to create larger strips, but it worked well.

For the costume itself, I just cut all the pins out and taped them to my white top and skirt. The skirt is actually inside out and I used the petticoat as my base since it matched the color scheme, plus it gave me a cute princess poof. As a precaution, I safety pinned all of the tape to my clothes since Halloween was pretty humid, and then I added a huge Pinterest logo so it would be obvious. To top off the look, I went with some Pinterest inspired makeup and a sock bun, accessorized by a tiara, then some bright red rain boots.

I was really pleased with my look because it totally matched what was in my head and looked super cute. The look was just for our neighborhood party and trick or treating, but all the moms and daughters totally got the look and loved it. I’m especially proud because it was so last minute but ended up exactly how I wanted. Overall the look was basically free – I used my own clothes, and all that was special was some printed pages and safety pins. It’s also a pretty fast completion with no sewing needed, and easy to do. I haven’t yet brought myself to take off all the pins and start wearing my clothes for real again since I love the look so much.

Hopefully you love the look too – I think there’s a Pinterest Princess in everyone!

Pretty DIY Pinterest Princess Costume

Pretty DIY Pinterest Princess Costume

Pretty DIY Pinterest Princess Costume

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