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Pretty Little Liar with the Infamous Killer Couple Costume

These Pretty Little Liar with the Infamous Killer Couple Costumes are great because it’s good for parties or work! I’m a pharmacy technician so we weren’t allowed dress up for Halloween but I was still able to dress up!

Pretty Little Liar:

I wore a black dress similar to the one on the show with tights, big dark  jewelry, and boots. I did my hair, with a basic curling iron, like Hannah from the show. I’m sure a wig could also be used.

I found a make up tutorial on YouTube to do Pretty Little Liar style make up. Plus, I just had to copy the nail polish and lip gloss from the opening of the show.

Easiest costume ever! “A” in the show always has a black hoodie on with leather gloves. You can wear either black pants or jeans. “A” is a number of different people on the show so it can be boy or girl costume.  Just make sure to have the hood up. We decided to tape an A on my boyfriend’s sweatshirt so it was easier to explain to people who don’t watch the show.

Just be sure whenever you pose to put the finger up in the “shhh”  from the opening sequence and with proper spooky lighting, you’re golden.


Pretty Little Liar with the Infamous Killer Couple Costume

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