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Sensationally Scary Homemade Sea Siren Costume

I love all things lore. I have even listened to the podcast with the same night all the way through multiple times. Because of this, I knew I wanted to incorporate one of these creatures into my costume this year. So, I went online and looked up lists of mythological creatures and thought a sea siren costume would be the most fun to do. They are cannibalistic so I knew that blood would definitely be involved.

Creating the Sea Siren Costume

The Cool Crown

I made the crown out of items I thought a Siren would have access to.

The Creepy Necklace

Since Sirens are cannibalistic, I made human teeth out of baking clay. I then added them to a necklace with hemp string since Sirens don’t have a lot of access to things like metal.

The Dress

I also found this great dress at a thrift shop and thought that the best way to make it nautical looking was to add netting to it. I was able to easy pick up the netting at a local craft store.

The Hair Style

I wanted mermaid looking hair and thought white would be the scariest option.


Sirens are also supposed to be pretty so I added the rhinestones to my face, along with some scales, and lots of blood!

Reactions to my Sea Siren Costume

People were so excited to see my sea siren costume before I even put it on. I always go big for Halloween so they knew I wouldn’t disappoint. The most fun was standing on my boyfriend’s roof in Brooklyn. The light was hitting me from behind so people walking down below were terrified! Everyone was pointing up at me. People who got to see it close up were amazed that I made everything by hand.

sea siren costume

sea siren costume

sea siren costume

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