I love Halloween, and every year, I try to create a unique one of a kind costume that I know will turn heads. This year I wanted to be a comic book character and debated between the usual suspects of “Sexy” Super heros/Villans. I debated between Wonder woman, Poison Ivy and cat woman but felt that they were too ordinary. I wanted something different and that is when it hit me.. I should be the Joker. I bough a green corset, a kids stripped tie, a purple mini skirt, stripped thigh highs and used a old purple robe I had I painted my face using Mac Pro makeup in white, added liquid latex and toilet paper to create the ripped mouth effect. (drew a line left extending from my mouth with liquid latex and covered with toilet paper, repeated twice and once dried rolled in the edges to create a wound effect), I painted my lips with red lipstick and used purple and green eyeshadows on my eyes. I teased, curled my hair and sprayed it with green spray. I pulled the outfit together with a pair of high knee boots and I became the Joker. I got ons of compliments the whole night and I was the only the only “new” Joker at the club. I was chosen as one of the top a finalist for the Halloween contest.
Home » Character Costumes » Animated Character Costumes » Batman Character Costumes » Joker Costumes » Sexy Joker Costume
Sexy Joker Costume
by Ali Y.

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