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Sexy Metallic Underworld God Costume for a Man

I got the idea from different costumes like gladiators, knights, and warriors. Its was inspiration from the Underworld. I really like the metalic armor on knights, so i went with the concept. Finally I came across basket vegetable steamers and figured i could layer them together to achieve the look I wanted.

I was trying to figure out how i was gonna make the base for it. which would be the harness part. I found some foam at the thrift store, and a cut up some cardboard. I used duct tape and started to shape the harness to fit me. i used 3600 glue to hold everything in place. I got an old silver belt and also glued it to one side for one arm. So once the base was done, I was ready to cover it with silver fabric.

I made a sleeve for my right arm and attached it to the harness. Using silver fabric i measured the top of the harness, and cut out the fabric. I sewed on one by one the vegetable steamer pieces. and sewed some on the sleeve. once I got them to cover enough, i layered the them on the front area by my chest to create a 3 dementional design. the mask was made with cardboard and a silver bag from the dollar store. the mouth piece was the top of a cheese shaker.

For the bottom part, I made the underwear using stretchy dancer fabric. I used fabric to cover the front and the back then sewed on more vegetable steamer pieces. the knee pads were some old ones we had from from brother. I just covered them with fabric and glued them in place. The fore arm piece was fabric with silver eyelets and a silver string I found to tie it in place. I paired the costume with some black boots I found at the thrift store.

Sexy Metallic Underworld God Costume for a Man

Sexy Metallic Underworld God Costume for a Man

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