Who doesn’t love to be the center of attention while looking super sexy? This costume was so easy to make and I got so many compliments for my creavitiy. It all began when I ordered a poison ivy costume online that ended up costing me $50 but not fitting right. I decided the cost and time was not worth buying another costume online and hoping that it would fit my body right. I took matters into my own hands. I went to Charlotte russe and bought a cheap corset that was on sale for $12 and boy shorts for $8. I next went to the dollar store and got bouquets of green leaves (bought about $8 worth). Next headed to michaels and bought a 5 ft green ivy vein, black sequins, some red flowers, white plain mask and cleareance black sparkly ribbon (Michael’s total=$17). I got home and started cutting all the leaves off the leaf bouquets and hot gluing them all over the corset and boy shorts until no visble parts of the orginal fabric could be seen. Afterwards I used a large red flower and glued it to the center of the corset. I used a old hair clip and glued leaves and a smaller flower on it. I also decorated it with a little pieces of black sparkly ribbon. Lastly, I covered the white mask with green leaves, outlined the eyes with black sequins, attached a red flower on the right hand corner, wrapped the black sparkly ribbon around a stick and hot glued the stick to the mask. After putting on the outfit, I put a final touch by wrapping the veins around my body. I was wrapped around one of my arms and went across my stomach, back and all the way down to my legs. I secured the veins just using a couple paperclips so it could be easily removed at the end of the night. Using spare leaves I had left ofer, I attached some into my hair. This outfit was super fun to make, cost me a lot less than buying an outfit and it was a great fit. I hope this idea inspires others.
Sexy Poison Ivy Costume

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