Simple Mario and Luigi Couple Costume

Hi awesome DIYers, my name is Eliah and I’m 14 years old from Israel. This Purim (a Jewish holiday in which you dress up)  my best friend and I decided to dress up as Mario and Luigi because it’s the perfect couple costume, it reminds us of our childhood and lastly, easy to recognize and well known. (I’m Mario) It is extremely important for me to upload my costume onto this site because throughout the years this site has been so useful to me. The steps are the same fro Mario and Luigi (just the colors are different).


  • Red Spray Paint
  • Green Spray Paint
  • 2 Old Baseball/ Conductor Hats
  • The Letter M & L Printed On White Paper (Kristin ITC Font)


  • Red Fitted T-Shirt
  • Green Fitted T-Shirt


  • 1 Yard of Blue Stretchy Fabric
  • Yellow Felt
  • Needle & Thread


  • 2 Pairs of White Gloves
  • Red Mustache Ring
  • Green Mustache Ring (We only found black rings so we painted then with a red and green nail polish)


  • 2 Styrofoam Circles
  • Picture of Mario Coin Printed 4 Times (one for each side)


  • 2 Small Black Backpacks
  • Picture of Green Mushroom
  • Picture of Red Mushroom


  • Mustache Sunglasses
  • Neutral Shoes (We wore gray converse because we already had that)


So… let’s get started!

1. Go to the fabric store and pick out a stretchy blue fabric
2. Measure the fabric around your waist and pin straight down (the fabric is stretchy so it will fit everywhere)
3. Sew the skirt by hand or with a machine several times to ensure durability (this part was the hardest and longest part of the process)
4. Turn the skirt inside out to hide all of the messy stiching. Voila! We have a skirt (we are almost done!)
5. Using the excess material sew two straps on the skirt. (try everything on before to make sure its the right length)
6. Cut two medium circles from the yellow felt and sew (or glue) it on to cover the strap stiching
7. Optional: Draw 2 back ines on the yellow circles so they will look more like buttons

1. Find 2 hats. Preferably white or jean color and “train conductor” shape.
2. Spray paint them red and green (OUTSIDE!!) twice and let dry for 24 hours
3. Print the letter M and L and tpe them on with duck tape

1. Print the coin the size of the styrofoam circle and glue it on

(We all need to carry around our stuff so we decided to make a small bag that matches the theme.)
1. Find small black bags and print out green and red mushrooms
2. Tape them on with duck tape

That’s it! I had so much fun with this costume and was so proud of the final outcome. It might sound a bit difficult but if we could do it alone (with no prior sewing knowledge) then so can you! have an amazing time and send pictures! I would love to see how each of you puts their own spin to it.

Happy DIYing!

PS Feel free to ask questions!

Simple Mario and Luigi Couple Costume

Simple Mario and Luigi Couple Costume

Simple Mario and Luigi Couple Costume

Simple Mario and Luigi Couple Costume

Simple Mario and Luigi Couple Costume

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