Star Wars Episode I: Baby’s First Halloween

With my son James’ first Halloween looming, and the constant reminder that my husband would soon be deploying for a year with the U.S. Army, I was faced with the challenge of making this year’s Halloween something special. It didn’t take me long to realize that family Star Wars costumes would make for a fun and memorable way to spend the holiday.

My first call was to Grandma Cathy, who is the family crocheting expert. With a brief set of instructions, color schemes and a reference photo, she was tasked with making baby James’ first costume — the Jedi master Yoda!

Since Grandma was handling the Yoda costume, it was up to me to construct costumes for my myself and my husband. Thrift stores, craft stores, and Walmart became my best friends as I pieced together the parts for a homemade Han Solo and Ewok costume.

I used my craftiness to fashion a gun holster out of an old thrift store handbag. I used craft fur and a scarf to turn an ordinary brown outfit into a lifelike Ewok.

We spent Halloween day at Myrtle Beach’s “Broadway at the Beach.” It wasn’t long before I began to feel satisfaction with the hard work put into our costumes. With every “Trick or Treat” we spoke and with every shop we passed it became more and more apparent that our costumes were a huge hit.

People were commenting on our creativity and how cute James looked. A dozen or so people asked to take photos with us. We even ran into Darth Vader and a Storm Trooper, who we took obligatory pictures with. The feeling was surreal and truly made my efforts feel worthwhile.

The feeling I received from other Trick or Treaters however was nothing compared to how it felt looking at the happiness on my husbands face. Knowing that this was my son’s first Halloween made the day very special, but knowing my husband would be deployed next Halloween inspired me to make this one the very best. Seeing his elation at our first family Halloween was all I needed to judge the success of our efforts, and I can go to sleep soundly knowing that we created unforgettable family memories this Halloween.

Star Wars Episode I: Baby's First Halloween

Star Wars Episode I: Baby's First Halloween

Star Wars Episode I: Baby's First Halloween

Star Wars Episode I: Baby's First Halloween

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