Making these costumes was one of the most gratifying sewing endeavours of my life! I set out to make Mike and Sully from monsters inc for my boyfriend and I. We decided we would try to make them soft and fluffy as a posed to the hard and less flexible paper mache I usually make costumes out of. As someone who only sews about twice a year I was amazing at what I was able to accomplish. I pretty much had no clue how to make mascots suits but I somehow did it! This was a huge learning experience for me. I used random material from blankets and other second hand items like pillows, and Teddy bears. We bought sullys fur new from fabric land and used squishy baseballs for his eyes! I got my boyfriend on the airbrushing and I was sewing like a maniac! The costumes took us 6 days total. We had so much fun at the Halloween party we went to, unfortunately the party didn’t have a costume contest but we wanted to wow the crowd and we did just that! -Dani & Will
Sully and Mike Couple Costume

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