My son is 2 years old so I thought Halloween was going to be a breeze…NOT! He said he wanted to be “Phineas and Ferb” (2 different characters btw)…so I went searching online to find a costume….NO LUCK. Never fear, super mom is here. “We’ll make one!”
I really wanted to use something light yet durable so I got a thin poster board from the Dollar store and made a tube like head and traced the circle top onto another piece of poster board for the top of his head. This was the right shape, yet too flimsy so I decided to paper mache it. (I mixed 2 cups flour and 1 cup water). After tearing up every piece of scrap paper around the house I let it dry for 2 days (mainly because I was over the whole idea, lol).
It was time to make his facial features. For the eyes I balled up extra scraps of paper and held it together with some mache mixture I made. One of his eyes are bigger than the other so you just have to EYEBALL how big you want/need your eyeballs! Next the ears were made from scraps as well. I made little half dollar size pieces and then flattened one edge by pressing it on the ground. This piece would be the side glued onto the head. The nose was a bit of a struggle. I paper mached a can of soup and let it dry overnight. Bad part was it stuck to the can and tore in half…I managed to save 2 big pieces and just held them together with masking tape.
Next came the painting of the head.I knew I wanted it to be as close to “skin” as possible so I used white spray paint mixed with orange food coloring and 2 light spays of red spray paint. PERFECT!!!! I even let my son help paint it. For the eyes I sprayed them white and found googly eyes to glue on. For his hair I got green yarn and roped ot around my fingers. Cut the ends then tied them back together (don’t ask why, lol ). I soon realized that was silly and just started gluing it on as to cover the top circle piece.
Once everything was dry it was time to try it on my son (not the 1st time btw)…. so as you can imagine he cant see, lol so I asked him to point to his eyes and he did under the head piece, lol…TAKE 2… he pointed outside the head and I marked his answer using a pencil. I used a business card to connect the lines and cut out a “mouth” for my head piece which served as my son’s eye hole. I glued everything into place and it was complete.
This is awesome! Great job!
this is awesome! great job!