Super Sexy Buzz Lightyear Costume

This sexy Buzz Lightyear costume took me a while to make but it was worth it. I had so much fun wearing it.

-plain bra
-red paint
-green paint
-blue piant
-yellow paint
-white and black paint
-paint brush

(plain white shorts)
-purple paint
-paint brush

white boots
Buzz Lightyear gloves

This sexy Buzz Lightyear costume took me a while to make but it was worth it. I had so much fun wearing it.
Materials:(bra)-plain bra-red paint-gree

This sexy Buzz Lightyear costume took me a while to make but it was worth it. I had so much fun wearing it.
Materials:(bra)-plain bra-red paint-gree

Coolest Homemade Costume Contest 2023

3 thoughts on “Super Sexy Buzz Lightyear Costume”

  1. So you do realize that basically you took a child’s character, who was originally in a space suit covering every inch of his body, and made it your excuse to dress half naked in nothing that looks like buzz light year other than your color scheme?


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