Futurama’s Leela and Bender Couple Halloween Costume

Small Trash Can for head spray painted grey
Stryofoam ball eyes 
Chest Peice was a molding for cement bought at local hardware

Here is how I made my Futurama’s Leela and Bender Couple Halloween Costume: Bender: Small Trash Can for head spray painted grey Styrofoam ball eyes Chest Peiece was a molding for cement bought at local hardware store. Mouth basically made out of hard plastic stitching boards with holes in it from local craft store. Cigar … Read more

Coolest LEGO-Life Ninjago Halloween Costume for a Boy

Our 6yr old really wanted to be a Ninjago for Halloween, but since the closest costume was a regular ninja we decideed to step it up LEGO LEFE!! We u

Our 6yr old really wanted to be a Ninjago for Halloween, but since the closest costume was a regular Ninja we decided to step it up LEGO LIFE!! We used cardboard’s from Home Depot (large) for the body. To hold it together we just used duck tape. The legs are just from regular boxes we cut and … Read more

Homemade Adult Can of Worms Costume Made Easy!

I decided to go as a Can of Worms for halloween. To get started you will need 3 to 4 pairs of panty hose, two hula hoops, silver material, white

I decided to go as a Can of Worms for Halloween. To get started you will need 3 to 4 pairs of panty hose, two hula hoops, silver material, white and black paint, googly eyes, stuffing and rope. First cut the legs off of the panty hose and then stuff them with pillow stuffing and tie … Read more

Coolest Handmade Medusa Costume

Started off rounding up some rubber snakes, a wig, material for the skirt, some air brush paint, wire, and wire mesh.First we made a skull cap

I started off this Medusa costume rounding up some rubber snakes, a wig, material for the skirt, some air brush paint, wire, and wire mesh. First we made a skull cap out of the wire mesh that would fit my head underneath the wig, then we placed it inside the actual wig. Second we cut the snakes in … Read more

Zombie Bride and Groom Halloween Couple Costume

This costume probably cost me 25.00 to make. And that was for both!! I asked all my girl friends if any of them had a wedding dress that they no long

This Zombie Bride and Groom Halloween couple costume probably cost me 25.00 to make. And that was for both!! I asked all my girl friends if any of them had a wedding dress that they no longer wanted- and since one had just gotten divorced, wha la! My boyfriend already had an old suit that he … Read more

The “Jolly Booger” Pirate Ship Wheelchair Costume

Another Halloween, another great wheelchair costume for now 6 year old William Joel!  This year I simply acquired 3 large pieces of cardboard fr

Another Halloween, another great wheelchair costume for now 6 year old William Joel!  This year I simply acquired 3 large pieces of cardboard from a local supermarket and bent them to fit around the chair.  I made a “Jolly Booger” Pirate Ship Wheelchair Costume. I attached the cardboard pieces together with large adhesive Velcro tape. … Read more

Homemade Batman Villain Two-Face and Poison Ivy Couple Costume

It took me a couple times but i finally like what i came up with! i used a Lingerie dress that i had when victoria secret had their big sale, leaves

It took me a couple times but I finally like my Batman Villain Two-Face and Poison Ivy Couple Costume that I came up with! I used a lingerie dress that I had when Victoria Secret had their big sale, leaves from Dollar store, fishnet tights (that I dyed green) and socks (that Ii dyed green). I … Read more

Awesome Homemade Claw Machine Costume

Awesome Homemade Claw Machine Costume

My son wanted to have a costume that was unique so we decided to make his costume. He wanted to be a video game so we picked the Claw Machine and we got started. This was a lot of fun to make, we used a large box for the costume covered with vinyl and poster … Read more

Cool Homemade Riddler Costume

I decided to give the Riddler a try this Halloween.  Wanted the Frank Gorshin Riddler vibe, but couldn't decide which version to go with. &nbsp

I decided to give the Riddler a try this Halloween.  Wanted the Frank Gorshin Riddler vibe, but couldn’t decide which version to go with.  Decided the suit version was easiest, and cheapest (barely). The hat lacks the ? because, well, it was just impossible to get a decent looking symbol on this fairly cheap felt … Read more

Scariest Pregnant Zombie Costume Ever!

I absolutely love all things zombie and have been one for Halloween many times. This year I wanted to make it a bit different so I decided to be a pr

I absolutely love all things zombie and have been one for Halloween many times. This year I wanted to make it a bit different so I decided to be a pregnant zombie. My idea being that if in a real zombie apocalypse I were pregnant and bitten that both myself and the baby would succumb … Read more

Best Homemade Breaking Bad Costume!

I love Breaking Bad, it is probably one of the best if not the best show out there right now.  This is why I knew this year I had to be Walt Whi

I love Breaking Bad, it is probably one of the best if not the best show out there right now.  This is why I knew this year I had to be Walt White, the main character on the show, and what better way to be him then where the outfit he wears as a Meth … Read more