Cutest Sock “Hop” Monkey Halloween Costume

My dilemma this year: how to out-do last year\'s costume (a wee baby Viking), plus make it warm (we live in Washington), and comfy (or my son will

My dilemma this year: how to out-do last year’s costume (a wee baby Viking), plus make it warm (we live in Washington), and comfy (or my son will try to rip it off), and last but not least durable (for a very active one year old). Luckily, I didn’t have to search quite as long … Read more

Mommy’s Favorite Preggo Cravings Family Halloween Costumes

With this being the last time I would be pregnant at Halloween, I wanted to take advantage of my growing Belly & encorporate it into the costume

With this being the last time I would be pregnant at Halloween, I wanted to take advantage of my growing belly and incorporate it into the costume somehow. When my oldest said he wanted to be a pickle, it clicked. He could be the pickles, my youngest, the chubby hubby ice cream and we’d have … Read more

Creative Shark Week Girls Group Costume

Every year I find it more and more challenging to top my previous Halloween's costume - but this year, we did it! There will never be a better group

Every year I find it more and more challenging to top my previous Halloween’s costume – but this year, we did it! There will never be a better group costume than SHARK WEEK. As a group, we have always refused to buy our costumes at the store, and prefer to be “funny” over “sexy”.  Also, … Read more

Great Homemade Hocus Pocus Girls Group Costume

Sistaaaaaas!  Three girls, a love of Hocus Pocus and Halloween will mix up to this great combo!  This dynamic trio, which was born three ye

Sistaaaaaas!  Three girls, a love of Hocus Pocus and Halloween will mix up to this great combo of the Hocus Pocus girls group costume!  This dynamic trio, which was born three years ago, was created through an entire September and October of watching this great film DAILY!  Every detail had to be perfect for us … Read more

Creative Homemade Pinata Costume

This was a time consuming costume to make but it was worth all the fun I had wearing it. I used to have Pinatas at all my birthday parties.  I j

This Pinata costume was a time consuming costume to make but it was worth all the fun I had wearing it. I used to have Pinatas at all my birthday parties.  I just love the colors they are made of and Pinatas always make people remember happy days! To make the costume I just took an old … Read more

Best Homemade Peacock Costume for a Six Year Old Girl

I started off with a dance leotard that my daughter had from a recital.  I got the feathers from friends and an online resource.  Steps to

I started off this best homemade Peacock costume with a dance leotard that my daughter had from a recital.  I got the feathers from friends and an online resource. Steps to make the tail: 1. Get a sturdy plastic oriental folding fan 2. Measure a 2″ satin ribbon to fit around your (or child’s) waist, … Read more

Awesome Batmobile Wheelchair Costume!

Our son William was born 3 months premature and as a result of complication from his early start he has cerebral palsy.  Last year he decided he

Our son William was born 3 months premature and as a result of complication from his early start he has cerebral palsy.  Last year he decided he wanted to be Batman so his dad Matt decided to make a Batmobile to go over his wheelchair.  They spent time in the shop working on the design, … Read more

Cool Working Windmill Mini-Golf Costume

I love mini-golf and when I was playing this summer with friends, I thought it would make a pretty cool costume. The windmill is made from cardboard,

I love mini-golf and when I was playing this summer with friends, I thought it would make a pretty cool costume. The windmill is made from cardboard, glued and tied together in an A-frame. It was lightweight so I could lift it up to walk in. I covered it in purple felt and cut a … Read more

Coolest Corona 6-Pack Group Halloween Costume

Corona 6 pack costumes was originated from an idea we seen on pinterest but with bud light logo. We used a lot of yelow felt and man it was hot

Corona 6 pack costumes was originated from an idea we saw on Pinterest but with Bud Light logo. We used a lot of yellow felt and man it was hot in those things . We used poster boards for the box and we cut everything out by hand for the letters of the box . We … Read more

Cool Family Costume Celebrates Iowa Corn!

I love Halloween and was thrilled to celebrate my daughter’s first Halloween in grand fashion, and celebrate our first Halloween as a family of

I love Halloween and was thrilled to celebrate my daughter’s first Halloween in grand fashion, and celebrate our first Halloween as a family of three with an ensemble. A corny Halloween Every good idea starts with a kernel I love sweet corn even more than I love Halloween. As an Iowa native living in Minnesota, … Read more

Cool Homemade Tree Costume

To create the head of my tree costume I used a hat which I wrapped in flower foam and taped in place using packaging tape.   I wrapped the foam

To create the head of my tree costume I used a hat which I wrapped in flower foam and taped in place using packaging tape.  I wrapped the foam hat with burlap and then sewed a burlap mask around the perimeter which hangs down to my shoulders.  I cut a face hole in the front … Read more