Coolest Homemade Carmen Miranda Costume

Homemade Carmen Miranda Costume

To make this Homemade Carmen Miranda Costume, I took the bodice off of an old prom dress and hemmed it. Then I took scraps of various cloth to make the skirt and sash. The hat, of course, was the focal point. I took a piece of floral foam, used bobby pins to secure it to … Read more

Coolest Marylin Monroe Costume

Me As Maryln Monroe

I went on an art trip with my school to Castle Toward. When we arrived there I was told that we had to think up and make a fancy dress costume for the “last night party” and that on our last day we would have 3 hours to buy the materials needed, make the costumes … Read more

Coolest Homemade Madonna Costume

Homemade Madonna Costume

I have been a big Madonna fan for a long time. I decided to try to make a famous outfit of hers from a plain piece of canvas. I pleated it, then treated like a one piece swimsuit-like piece, then corseted them all together so it laced up on the sides. It snaps on the … Read more

Coolest Homemade Zombie Marilyn Monroe and James Dean Costumes

Homemade Zombie Marilyn Monroe and James Dean Costumes

This Halloween, my boyfriend and I dressed up as Zombie Marilyn Monroe and James Dean. Although our Homemade Zombie Marilyn Monroe and James Dean Costumes weren’t completely handmade, I feel that our idea was really original and I did design and create all of the make-up effects and hairstyles. I purchased a white dress for … Read more