Sexy Homemade Pirate Costumes

As a senior in junior, I was tired of seeing the same costumes being recycled year after year (myself being guilty of this as well!). After walking o

As a senior in junior, I was tired of seeing the same costumes being recycled year after year (myself being guilty of this as well!). After walking out of my third costume shop feeling at last defeated and hopeless regarding my search for that perfect costume, I decided it was time to go the homemade … Read more

The Pop Can Clan Group Costume

The Pop Can Clan was made in 2011 by myself; Kaela. Our highschool was holding their annual Halloween Costume Fashion Show, and I wanted to make my f

The Pop Can Clan group costume was made in 2011 by myself; Kaela. Our high school was holding their annual Halloween Costume Fashion Show, and I wanted to make my friends and I something that would not only win, but be remembered by classmates and friends for being super creative and home-made! When we decided … Read more

Coolest Redneck Shotgun Wedding Group Costume

We had a group of people who pulled off the best Redneck Shotgun Wedding EVER!!! All us girls got together and went shopping to find the ugliest mate

We had a group of people who pulled off the best Redneck Shotgun Wedding EVER!! All us girls got together and went shopping to find the ugliest material we could and had “The mother of the Bride” make our dresses. We found wedding dress, the mother of the bride dress and the flower girl dress … Read more

Sexy Exotic Birds Group Halloween Costumes

Exotic birds...not sure why we chose to be birds but we had our vision and well it looked and sounded fun so we went with it. We obviously chose our

Sexy Exotic Birds group Halloween costumes…not sure why we chose to be birds but we had our vision and well it looked and sounded fun so we went with it. We obviously chose our colors and bought a lot of boas and a lot of feathers. Our face mask we bough plastic plain masks and … Read more

Cutest 101 Dalmations and Cruella De-Vil Girls Group Costume

This is one of the most fun group costumes I've ever been a party of. We all were able to choose any type of "white-based" clothing, whether that

This Cutest 101 Dalmations and Cruella De-Vil Girls Group Costume is one of the most fun group costumes I’ve ever been a party of. We all were able to choose any type of “white-based” clothing, whether that be a skirt, shorts, dress, etc. We could have white tights, hose, knee socks, thigh highs, socks. Any combination … Read more

Original Gwen Stefani and Harajuku Girls Group Costume

In 2005 we went as Gwen Stefani and her Harajuku Girls with our own Security guard, of course.For Gwen, I bought a Malice in Wonderland costum

In 2005 we went in a Gwen Stefani and Harajuku Girls Group Costume with our own security guard, of course. For Gwen, I bought a Malice in Wonderland costume, blond wig, and threw a corset I already owned over the top of it. The Harajuku girls bought matching black tank tops, skirts, and socks. We stenciled … Read more

Coolest Roller Derby Group Costume

Our 2006 costume may be my all time favorite! We went as Roller Derby girls with a ref! Let me first say this...know both where you are going and wha

Our 2006  Roller Derby group costume may be my all time favorite! We went as Roller Derby girls with a ref! Let me first say this…know both where you are going and what the weather is going to be before you decide to do this. We had both rain AND a flight of steps to navigate … Read more

The Four Seasons Girl’s Group Costume

Year after year my friends and I rack our brains months before Halloween to come up with the most creative costumes! A friend came across this idea o

Year after year my friends and I rack our brains months before Halloween to come up with the most creative costumes! A friend came across this idea for a Four Seasons Girl’s group costume online and we immediately began working. I was Fall and my friends were Summer, Spring, and Winter. All the tutu’s were handmade, … Read more

Coolest Despicable Me Minion College Girl’s Group Costume

When trying to decide what my college friends and I should be for Halloween, we went through a lot of different ideas. We needed something warm, (it

When trying to decide what my college friends and I should be for Halloween, we went through a lot of different ideas. We needed something warm, (it gets cold up here in Ohio on Halloween), cheap and fast.  Superheros? Too cliche. Crayons? Been there, done that. 90’s Cartoon Characters? Over done. We couldn’t think of … Read more

Original and Sexy Lipsmacker Gloss Sticks Girls Group Costume

My best friends and I had a sleepover one night and we were brainstorming ideas for cute Halloween costumes, which brought us back to our childhood m

My best friends and I had a sleepover one night and we were brainstorming ideas for cute Halloween costumes, which brought us back to our childhood memories and popular trends and then I remembered how every girl owned at least 5 of those lipsmacker gloss sticks and the decision was made, original and sexy Lipsmacker … Read more

Coolest Sexy iPod Costumes for a Night Out at the University

My friends and i made these costumes for a night out at university and they attract alot of attention!!
Be prepared for a lot of photos because ever

My friends and I made these Sexy iPod Costumes for a Night Out at the University and they attract a lot of attention!! Be prepared for a lot of photos because everyone will want a picture… WHAT YOU NEED: -White Boob Tube – Fabric Dye (or you could by a boob tube in the color already!) … Read more

Coolest 70’s Dodgeball Team College Group Costume

In college Halloween was huge for us. My roommates and I wanted to something unique but also inexpensive. We also wanted to do something as a group.

In college Halloween was huge for us. My roommates and I wanted to something unique but also inexpensive. We also wanted to do something as a group. I think we were watching that 70’s show or something and started brainstorming ideas and came up with a 70’s Dodgeball Team College Group Costume for our school. We … Read more