Coolest Crayola Group Costume

Coolest Crayola Group Costume

Basically I’ve loved the idea of Crayola costumes for about a year because I saw someone else do the same thing. I didn’t really plan on going ahead with the idea until a few weeks before my 18th birthday. I started to search the internet as you do and came across this website which gave … Read more

Coolest Homemade Four Loko Group Halloween Costume

Homemade Four Loko Group Halloween Costume

Inspired by one of the most popular alcoholic beverages amongst college students in 2010, a one of a kind homemade costume idea was established. This Homemade Four Loko Group Halloween Costume sure was the talk of the town after being worn to the Homecoming football game, parties, and bars, winning two costume contests, and being … Read more

Cool DIY Alvin and the Chipmunks Group Costume

Homemade Alvin and the Chipmunks Group Costume

My friends and I saw a poster advertising the “Alvin and the Chipmunks” movie and this became the inspiration for our Homemade Alvin and the Chipmunks Group Costume. We went to Value Village and found oversized men’s coloured T-shirts in the 3 colours we needed. We put our own touches on them; I (for Alvin) … Read more

Coolest Mario Kart Group Costume

Coolest Mario Kart Group Costume

My friends and I decided to be Mario Kart for Halloween. It’s not an original idea, but I believe it makes up for that in the construction. I made (I have a lot of free time on my hands) 4 Karts, one for Mario, Luigi, Peach and Baby Luigi, out of foam board, glue, duct … Read more

Coolest Crayons Costume

Homemade Crayons Costume

Me and eight of my girfriends decided on a Homemade Crayons Costume for Halloween. We each chose the color we wanted to be. I actually made all of the costumes for the girls as well as acquired all of the accessories. I got plain white long tank dresses and dyed them. Then I used felt … Read more

Coolest Taco Bell Hot Sauce Group Costume

Coolest Taco Bell Hot Sauce Group Costume 8

Me and my four friends all decided to be Taco Bell’s “fire” hot sauce packets for Halloween this year. We bought the fabric at Joann fabrics and it is pleather fabric which looks a lot like the hot sauce packets themselves. One of the girls moms sewed the dresses for us in a form fitting … Read more

Cool Homemade Alvin and the Chipmunks Group Costume

Homemade Alvin and the Chipmunks Group Costume

This is our Homemade Alvin and the Chipmunks Group Costume. We bought long turtle necks from Walmart and used fabric paint to put our letters on. We had shorts on under our turtle necks. Then we got glasses for Simon, and hats of the other two. Really easy and cheap!!

Coolest Crayola Crayons Homemade Costume

Crayola Crayons Costume

My roommates and I decided that we did not want to be a store bought regular costume. We bought black felt fabric and the specific colors we wanted from the local fabric store and picked up the felt and Velcro. We also printed out the name CRAYOLA from a website and used it as a … Read more

Coolest Box of Crayons Group Costume

Homemade Box of Crayons Group Costume

In our high school, it’s a tradition for all and only the seniors to dress up for Halloween. My friends and I decided we wanted something different but where everyone could tell what we were. So we decided to be a Homemade Box of Crayons Group Costume! Everyone picked a color they wanted and we … Read more

Coolest Homemade Lego Costume

Homemade Lego Costume

For each homemade Lego costume we went to a place that sold boxes and we each bought a huge box to cover our body. We painted it whichever color we wanted. Then we glued on plastic cups (painted the same color as the box) to make it look like a Lego. We cut out a … Read more

Coolest Alvin and the Chipmunks Group Costume

Homemade Alvin and the Chipmunks Group Costume

This Homemade Alvin and the Chipmunks Group Costume is super easy! Just used regular t-shirts, and foam with self adhesive strips for the letters. We found ears at the Dollar store and I found a cheap red hat to use for Alvin. Leggings and tube socks helped unify our costumes.

Coolest Crayon Box Group Costume

Homemade Crayon Box Group Costume

For this Crayon Box Group Costume all we used was a large piece of silk material (in whatever colour you chose to be), black felt, party hats, a glue gun, and a sewing machine. We made sure the silk material would fit around us and hemmed it according to our body shape. Silk was a … Read more