Coolest Treasure Trolls Group Costume

Homemade Treasure Trolls Group Costume

This year for Halloween our group of friends or “Club Awesome” as we call ourselves (minus 1 in the pic because one of our good friends wasn’t able to go this year) decided Troll dolls would be a unique and funny way to do a costume together. Since we all did not feel “leotard ready” … Read more

Coolest Homemade Crayola Crayons Costumes

Homemade Crayola Crayons Costumes

These Homemade Crayola Crayons Costumes were very inexpensive but fun, cute and easy costumes to create! We went to a local fabric store and bought about a yard each of whichever color we wanted to be and about two yards of black felt just to be safe. We then took each color felt and sewed … Read more

Coolest Homemade Pop Can Group Halloween Costume

Homemade Pop Can Group Halloween Costume

For this homemade Pop Can group Halloween Costume we bought fabric and sewed them into tube dresses and then added silver trim to them. Each of us painted our own logo on with fabric/acrylic paint! We also made pop tab earrings and bracelets.

Coolest Homemade Tetris Costume

Homemade Tetris Costume

My costume is specifically the light blue square Tetris, out of all five of us. My friends and I decided to be the Tetris pieces after seeing a picture of another group of Tetris people online. For the homemade Tetris costume we used cardboard boxes for the base of the shapes, solid color wrapping paper … Read more

Coolest Ms. Pacman and Ghosts Group Costume

Homemade Ms. Pacman and Ghosts Group Costume

My friends and I decided to dress in a Homemade Ms. Pacman and Ghosts Group Costume. I was Ms. Pac man & my 3 friends were ghosts. As long as you have 1-4 friends, you will have enough “ghosts”. ALL I used was 2 regular sized poster board for each costume. So, 2 yellow and … Read more

Coolest Homemade Crayon Costume Ideas

Homemade Crayon Costume Ideas

These Crayon Costume Ideas we did last year based on this website. We did it one day before the party, so its very easy. We basically bought some fabric and cut in to tube top dresses and then cut out the logo and the squiggles at the top from black felt, also, we did the … Read more

Coolest Homemade Pop Can Halloween Costumes

Homemade Pop Can Halloween Costumes

We sure were VIPs that night at the bar! (Very important POP!) I know lame joke but was funny at the time. My friends and I decided to go for a group costume this year. I (orange crush) sewed all the costumes and we have a few artists in the group who painted them! They … Read more

Coolest Trolls Halloween Group Costume Idea

Trolls Halloween Group Costume Idea

Me and my girls decided to dress up like trolls this year, but with clothes, so we used the craziest clothes in our closet. More important than the costume is the hair cause it tells the people you are trolls, so we bought each one a different temporary color hair spray, $2 each, and with … Read more

Coolest Pacman Group Costume

Coolest Pacman Group Costume

My friends and I had no clue what we wanted to be for Halloween, until one day the Pacman group costume idea popped into our minds. We made our costumes out of felt, and we made them dress length so we wore black tights and black shoes. The felt colors that we used were red, … Read more

Coolest Crayola Group Costume

Coolest Crayola Group Costume

Basically I’ve loved the idea of Crayola costumes for about a year because I saw someone else do the same thing. I didn’t really plan on going ahead with the idea until a few weeks before my 18th birthday. I started to search the internet as you do and came across this website which gave … Read more

Coolest Homemade Four Loko Group Halloween Costume

Homemade Four Loko Group Halloween Costume

Inspired by one of the most popular alcoholic beverages amongst college students in 2010, a one of a kind homemade costume idea was established. This Homemade Four Loko Group Halloween Costume sure was the talk of the town after being worn to the Homecoming football game, parties, and bars, winning two costume contests, and being … Read more

Cool DIY Alvin and the Chipmunks Group Costume

Homemade Alvin and the Chipmunks Group Costume

My friends and I saw a poster advertising the “Alvin and the Chipmunks” movie and this became the inspiration for our Homemade Alvin and the Chipmunks Group Costume. We went to Value Village and found oversized men’s coloured T-shirts in the 3 colours we needed. We put our own touches on them; I (for Alvin) … Read more