Homemade Ash Ketchum Pokemaster Costume

Our youngest son wanted to be Ash Ketchum from Pokemon for Halloween. I spent several days scouring costume ideas on the internet (even store bought

Our youngest son wanted to be Ash Ketchum from Pokemon for Halloween. I spent several days scouring costume ideas on the internet (even store bought ones!) before I came up with my version. Minor sewing skills are necessary, but nothing really fancy is required. Materials- 1 red trucker hat with a white front 1/2 yard … Read more

Creative Princess Mononoke Homemade Costume

I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to be for Halloween until one day I was looking through my laptop and I found the anime movie Princess Mononok

I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to be for Halloween until one day I was looking through my laptop and I found the anime movie Princess Mononoke. I decided I wanted to be San, the wolf princess. My family thought it was a great idea but they had no idea how I’d do … Read more

Home Made Pikachu Halloween Costume

Every year the company that I work with has a Halloween Event in which people bring their children to \"Trick or Treat\" around the cubicles. Bec

Every year the company that I work with has a Halloween Event in which people bring their children to “Trick or Treat” around the cubicles. Because two of my friends at work commented that I sounded like Pikachu when I sneezed (they can hear my high pitched sneezes over their cubicles), I decided that it … Read more

Original Home Made Voltron Costume

Halloween is my favorite holiday! I love doing family costumes. We have been farmers with our kids as animals, we did a Star Wars theme, and we have

Halloween is my favorite holiday! I love doing family costumes. We have been farmers with our kids as animals, we did a Star Wars theme, and we have done knights and a princess. Most years I pick the costumes for the boys because they are little and easily swayed. This year Q was 6 and … Read more

The Perfect Original Pokemon Trio Group Costume!

Growing up in the 90\'s, pokemon was a BIG deal! We were so excited when we decided to dress up as Ash, Brock, and Misty! The Misty and Brock costu

Growing up in the 90’s, Pokemon was a BIG deal! We were so excited when we decided to dress up as Ash, Brock, and Misty, the perfect original Pokemon Trio Group Costume!  The Misty and Brock costumes were just put together with everyday clothes. The Ash costume was a white collared shirt cut up and … Read more

Best Couples Pikachu and Ash Ketchum Costume

My boyfriend and I decided to go as Pikachu and Ash Ketchum for halloween last year.He went to value village and picked up some items to give him t

My boyfriend and I decided to go as Pikachu and Ash Ketchum for Halloween last year. He went to Value Village and picked up some items to give him the white t-shirt and the blue vest and hat. HE HAND SEWED the vest to the shirt and wore a black shirt underneath and even added the … Read more

Coolest Dragon Ball Z Costumes

I made these for my boys. I used a pattern for boys scrubs that I altered. I also used felt for the decal and just hand sew it together. It was a rea

I made these Dragon Ball Z costumes for my boys. I used a pattern for boys scrubs that I altered. I also used felt for the decal and just hand sewed it together. It was a real hit with our friends and family, I even had adults asking me to make them one.

Coolest Pikachu Costume

I basically sewed the overalls, got a long sleeved yellow shirt, got a black headband and used left over fabric from the overalls to make the ears th

I basically sewed the overalls, got a long sleeved yellow shirt, got a black headband and used left over fabric from the overalls to make the ears then colored the tips in black. To make the tail I just used a hanger to form the shape and sewed the fabric over it, then later stuffed … Read more

Coolest Pokemon Costume

Sick of the same-old-same old animal costumes and onesies from Kigurami I made my own “where the wild things are” costume, as Max, for a

Sick of the same-old animal costumes and onesies from Kigurami, I made my own “where the wild things are” costume, as Max, for a charity hitch-hike I was participating in. After then making another of these onesies for my boyfriend in the form of a fox I started to cause quite a stir amongst other … Read more

Coolest Pokemon Group Halloween Costumes

Pokemon Group Halloween Costumes

The Pokemon family costumes found on this site were the inspiration for our 3. I didn’t realize how hard it was going to be, with my basic sewing skills. I spent a lot on fleece, hot glue sticks, foam, stuffing, and elastic. I bought extra in case I made mistakes. Grand total, I bet I … Read more

Coolest Homemade Astro Boy and Trashcan Costumes

Homemade Astro Boy and Trashcan Costumes

These Homemade Astro Boy and Trashcan Costumes were the first year we decided to actually make our own Halloween costumes. When we saw that there was a new movie about Astro Boy (a Japanese cartoon icon) coming out the week right before Halloween, we decided that it would be perfect for us to go with … Read more

Coolest Homemade Pokemon, Pikachu and Ash Group Costume

Homemade Pokemon, Pikachu and Ash Group Costume

Although the Pikachu costume was purchased, we made the Ash costume by hand. My older son is a huge Pokemon fan and so we decided to make his little brother his Pikachu. They were so cute in their Pokemon, Pikachu and Ash Group Costume and everyone knew who they were! We made the vest with … Read more