Cool Homemade Justice League Couple Costume

Wonder Woman:
Started off with a red spangly tube top, with the \'W\' cut out of gold fabric and handstitched on.  I tried it with duct tap

Wonder Woman: Started off with a red spangly tube top, with the ‘W’ cut out of gold fabric and hand stitched on.  I tried it with duct tape at first, but it had no give and made my body look funny shaped. With the same gold fabric, a thick belt sized for my waist got … Read more

Cool Homemade Costumes for my Boys: Iron Men

I went online and found a youtube site called \"TheHeroTutorials\". . . The guy there explains all the steps needed to make your own costumes fro

I went online and found a youtube site called “TheHeroTutorials”. The guy there explains all the steps needed to make your own costumes from certain materials step by step and they have a few to choose from. These Iron Men are made from card stock paper and fiberglass resin. I sanded them down, painted and … Read more

Coolest Homemade Hulk Unique Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Hulk Unique Halloween Costume Idea

This Homemade Hulk Unique Halloween Costume Idea I completed for 2010. It is made up of materials you can get at most stores. Such as Wal-mart, Home depot, Joanne Fabrics and so on. Some of the basic materials I used on this costume were, sheets of foam (for chair cushions), spray adhesive, spandex fabric, hot … Read more

Coolest Homemade Child’s Iron Man Costume

Coolest Homemade Child's Iron Man Costume

Homemade Child’s Iron Man Costume: Materials – Cardboard, Foam sheets, Paint (Maroon/Gold), Hot Glue, Sweat pants, Hooded Sweat Shirt, Push Light, Tea Lights, Old Hockey Helmet. Using cardboard I cut out the shapes needed. If the piece needed to be curved I would score the cardboard and bend it on the cut. Worked well. After … Read more

Coolest Homemade War Machine Iron Man 2 Costume

Homemade War Machine Iron Man 2

Since more photos been leaked of War Machine for Iron Man 2, I decided to start upgrading to look more like the movie armor worn by Rhodey “Don Cheadle”. What inspired upgrade is how Hardcore War Machine looks to Iron Man new armors. Materials for the War Machine Iron Man 2 Costume: -High impact urethane … Read more

Coolest Iron Man Costume

Coolest Iron Man Costume 17

This is my second attempt at BIG costuming (the first was my son’s War Machine suit also posted on this site). This build took 6 weeks of build time (7 days a week all day everyday!). I am very happy that it is done and believe me so is my wife. This suit is made … Read more

Coolest DIY Iron Man Cardboard Costume

Homemade Iron Man Costume

Ever since I saw Iron Man the movie I loved it and always wanted to make my own costume, so I did. I bought cardboard and metallic paint and some led lights. I really did put my time on everything to make it looked like the real thing. I used cardboard and super glue to … Read more

Coolest Homemade Hulk Costume

Homemade Homemade Hulk Costume

I just bought green costume paint for $6 from a costume supply store. Ripped up an old pair of khaki pants and put a wig on. This Homemade Hulk Costume looks a bit funny but works somehow.

Coolest Handmade Iron Man Costume

Homemade Iron Man Costume

This Iron Man costume is my first real costume attempt. The body is made of swag foam. Kinda a pain, because paint doesn’t stick to it too well, so next time I’ll remember to buy it in the colour I need. Anyway, the helmet I made out of cardboard, and covered with car bog. I … Read more

Coolest Homemade Iron Man Heavy Artillery Costume

Homemade Iron Man Heavy Artillery Costume

I’m wearing the Homemade Iron Man Heavy Artillery Costume. It’s a different suit from the red and gold Iron Man suit you see in the movie. The reason why I chose this suit is because I’m a big guy, and this armor is more tank-like than the movie and comic book version. It fits my … Read more

Cool Iron Man Halloween Costume

Iron Man Halloween Costume

Made this Iron Man Halloween costume (by myself) out of 5/8″ and 1/2 inch thick(polyethylene) foam yoga mats, hot glue and other items found at thrift stores. Used scissors and X-Acto knives to cut the mats. Took about a month and devoted at least a couple of hours a day working on it. Made patterns … Read more