Coolest Iron Man Costume

Coolest Iron Man Costume 17

This is my second attempt at BIG costuming (the first was my son’s War Machine suit also posted on this site). This build took 6 weeks of build time (7 days a week all day everyday!). I am very happy that it is done and believe me so is my wife. This suit is made … Read more

Coolest DIY Iron Man Cardboard Costume

Homemade Iron Man Costume

Ever since I saw Iron Man the movie I loved it and always wanted to make my own costume, so I did. I bought cardboard and metallic paint and some led lights. I really did put my time on everything to make it looked like the real thing. I used cardboard and super glue to … Read more

Coolest Homemade Hulk Costume

Homemade Homemade Hulk Costume

I just bought green costume paint for $6 from a costume supply store. Ripped up an old pair of khaki pants and put a wig on. This Homemade Hulk Costume looks a bit funny but works somehow.

Coolest Handmade Iron Man Costume

Homemade Iron Man Costume

This Iron Man costume is my first real costume attempt. The body is made of swag foam. Kinda a pain, because paint doesn’t stick to it too well, so next time I’ll remember to buy it in the colour I need. Anyway, the helmet I made out of cardboard, and covered with car bog. I … Read more

Coolest Homemade Iron Man Heavy Artillery Costume

Homemade Iron Man Heavy Artillery Costume

I’m wearing the Homemade Iron Man Heavy Artillery Costume. It’s a different suit from the red and gold Iron Man suit you see in the movie. The reason why I chose this suit is because I’m a big guy, and this armor is more tank-like than the movie and comic book version. It fits my … Read more

Cool Iron Man Halloween Costume

Iron Man Halloween Costume

Made this Iron Man Halloween costume (by myself) out of 5/8″ and 1/2 inch thick(polyethylene) foam yoga mats, hot glue and other items found at thrift stores. Used scissors and X-Acto knives to cut the mats. Took about a month and devoted at least a couple of hours a day working on it. Made patterns … Read more

Coolest Homemade Ironman Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Ironman Halloween Costume Idea

Six Days, that was the total time available to put this Homemade Ironman Halloween Costume Idea together. Because of the short time, I had to find construction material that would aid in rapid assembly. For the arms and legs, I used cardboard carpet tubes I got (for free) from the local flooring company owner. Tube … Read more

Awesome Homemade Iron Man Costume with Lights

Iron Man Lights Up The Darkness

Since I was little I have loved Iron Man. When I heard that the movie was coming out I was extremely excited. I turned that excitement into creativity (in early May 2008) and began to work on an Iron Man costume for fall 2008. At first it was really hard working with the cardboard, but … Read more

Coolest Wolverine Costume

Homemade Wolverine Costume

This Wolverine costume started as a hooded fleece outfit from Old Navy. We then took pieces of felt and cut them to the shapes from the original Wolverine from the X-Men Comic books. For the hair pieces, shoulder pads, as well as the claws, we sewed the pieces together, and then stuffed them with poly-fil … Read more

Coolest Homemade Iron Man Costume

Homemade Iron Man Costume

My second Homemade Iron Man Costume which is the MKV, which is the Extremis armor from the comic book series. But this build is the movie version of the Extremis. Only a hand full of leaked photos. I decided to create the Very first MKV Extremis movie armor. taken to the children hospital and done … Read more

Coolest Homemade Wolverine Costume

Homemade Wolverine Costume

Several years ago I became very lazy and decided not to shave for a couple of months. In passing someone mentioned I vaguely resembled Hugh Jackman’s portrayal of Wolverine and a Homemade Wolverine Costume idea was born! My first preparation again was to not shave for several months. While fake mutton chops are workable, they … Read more

Coolest Homemade Ironman Halloween Costume

Homemade Ironman Halloween Costume

I started this Homemade Ironman Halloween Costume on a whim in May 2009. My idea was to build a movie-accurate Ironman suit for my four year old, complete with working LED chest piece and glowing eyes. The process began by building a paper model of each part which was subsequently fiberglassed on the inside to … Read more