Coolest Poison Ivy Costume

Poison IvyI’ve wanted to make a Poison Ivy costume now for several years, but never ended up going through with it. Until recently my boyfriend

I’ve wanted to make a Poison Ivy costume now for several years, but never ended up going through with it. Until recently my boyfriend and his friends informed me they throw an annual themed Presidents’ Day Bar Crawl. The perfect excuse to a) wander around town with a huge group of friends while imbibing multiple … Read more

Awesome Homemade Riddler Costume

I wore this last Halloween - my band was performing a show at a Six Flags and we were encouraged to dress in costume.This costume ended up being a

I wore this Riddler costume last Halloween – my band was performing a show at a Six Flags and we were encouraged to dress in costume. This costume ended up being a bit pricey in the end, but I think it was well worth the trouble. Purchased the jacket on eBay for about $40. Got … Read more

Cool DIY Joker Costume

Joker Costume

My Joker costume. Like the previous Riddler costume added to the site, this Joker costume was made for a band member(my husband). When starting any new costume especially when I’m unfamiliar with the pattern I always cut a trial costume out in a cheap cotton fabric (calico in Australia). The suit is roughly put together … Read more

Coolest Homemade Two Face Costume

Homemade Two Face Costume

I spent the first couple of days scuffing, charring and applying shoe polish and charcoal powder to a cheap suit, tie and dress shirt. I singed the frayed pieces of the suit jacket with matches to give it a melted look. Once I was happy with the way the suit looked, I began working on … Read more

Coolest Homemade Poison Ivy Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Poison Ivy Halloween Costume Idea

This year for Halloween I wanted to do something cool that I didn’t see very many people doing; so my roommate and I decided to be sexy superhero villains. Trying to figure out how I was going to make this Homemade Poison Ivy Halloween Costume Idea, I found an old white skirt and a corset. … Read more

Cute Poison Ivy Halloween Costume

Homemade Poison Ivy Costume

I decided to create my own Homemade Poison Ivy Costume mainly because I couldn’t afford the expensive yet not so great costumes! I bought a white corset, white shorts, white fish nets, and white gloves. From there a lot of leaves and green paint and BaM!!! Lol all that was left was me in it … Read more

Coolest Homemade Poison Ivy Halloween Costume

Homemade Poison Ivy Halloween Costume

Hollywood ain’t got nothing’ on me! Just kidding. I made this Homemade Poison Ivy Halloween Costume because I was sick of the LAME Poison Ivy costumes I’ve seen in the stores and on the web. She’s supposed to be wicked cool, sexy and mysterious. Not, and I repeat NOT just a chick wearing green with … Read more

Cool Riddler Costume

Homemade Riddler Costume from Batman Forever

I made this costume for my youngest son (14 years) to wear to my eldest sons 18th birthday fancy dress party. In order to get the tight fitting suit I brought a bright green catsuit from my local dance wear supplier (£16), I then needed to get the trademark Riddler question mark on it. To … Read more

Coolest Homemade Two-Face from The Dark Knight Costume

Homemade Two-Face from The Dark Knight Costume

Here is my Homemade Two-Face from The Dark Knight Costume. The suit and make up were both created by me. The suit was purchased at Salvation Army, then I put hours work into it. I first took a knife to various pieces of the left side of the jacket, shirt, tie, and pants. After that … Read more

Coolest Homemade Poison Ivy Adult Couple Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Poison Ivy Adult Couple Halloween Costume Idea

My boyfriend and I always like trying to make slightly more interesting couples costumes. This year we decided on a homemade Poison Ivy adult couple Halloween costume idea. The ingredients for creating the seductive super-villainess are as follows: * Green Leotards (preferably a darker shade of green), $15-20 on * Fake Leaves – can … Read more

Coolest Poison Ivy Costume with Over 1000 Silk Leaves

Homemade Poison Ivy Costume

This is my Homemade Poison Ivy Costume. Over 1000 silk leaves were used to create it. I found an old bodice, bathing suit bottoms, and a pair of boots, along with a green curtain for a cape, at a local thrift store and used hot glue to attach the individual leaves to each piece. I … Read more

Coolest Homemade Poison Ivy Costume Design

Homemade Poison Ivy Costume Design

This was my rendition of a Poison Ivy Costume Design. The body suit, sleeves and skirt are made from a shimmer green, stretchy fabric, which was hand-sewn into a leotard shape. I used a second piece of the same fabric to create a skirt over the leotard, which was pinned together using safety pins. I … Read more