Coolest Evil Tooth Fairy Costume

Homemade Evil Tooth Fairy Costume

I made this Evil Tooth Fairy Costume myself a couple of years ago for my Halloween costume. For the shirt I took a white tank top and used fabric paint to make a bloody tooth. The skirt was from a pattern I got at Joann’s. i made a choker out of bloody ‘teeth’ made from … Read more

Cool Homemade Glow in the Dark Costume Idea

Coolest Homemade Glow in the Dark Costume Ideas

You could hear laughter from blocks away “Wow! Look at the stick person!” Every person at every home we visited for treats had to see what the glowing costume was made of. And when we’d turn to leave and the host or hostess would catch a glimpse of the costume’s backside they would laugh hysterically. … Read more

Coolest Cinderella Costume

Homemade Cinderella Costume

I’ve been working on my daughter’s dress since March! I wanted to get it just right. I looked everywhere for just the right fabric and finally found it at an interior decorating place, but it was stretch velvet, which is impossible to sew. So, I backed the entire thing with iron-on interfacing, which worked beautifully. … Read more

Coolest Homemade 9 Character Costume

Homemade 9 Character Costume

When our 5-year-old son saw a trailer for the movie 9 he insisted on being the 9 character for Halloween even though he couldn’t actually see the PG-13 rated movie. It was so visually interesting that we agreed it would be a fun costume idea. However, there was nothing out there that we could buy … Read more

Coolest Batman and Batcycle Costume

Homemade Batman and Batcycle Costume

Jacob, my 4 yr old, is Batman here… I made his bat utility belt out of card board and duct tape. You can make interactive boxes for storing a cable for climbing and Velcro items like spy glasses so he can use them. The Bat cycle is made of cardboard and duct tape completely. There … Read more

Coolest Homemade White Rabbit Costume

Homemade White Rabbit Costume

My daughters were in an “Alice in Wonderland” themed dance last summer. We decided to go for the Disney version of Alice and the White Rabbit Costume. My oldest was the White Rabbit with pieces put together from thrift shop finds and alterations done by me: – bunny hat from a bunny costume; – black … Read more

Coolest Homemade Cinderella Custume

Homemade Cinderella Costume

This is my version of a Cinderella costume. I made it for a convention. I went there with my friends, so all together we were Cinderella, Tinkerbell, Alice in Wonderland, Sally from ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ and Peter Pan. For my homemade Cinderella costume I bought some satin fabric in blue and white – 4 meter … Read more

Cool Pippi Longstocking Halloween Costume

Pippi Longstocking Halloween Costume

I told my daughter that it would be cool for her to be Pippi Longstocking for Halloween last year. She had no idea who that was. So I found a book and this web page, and she looked through both. She didn’t decide on a Pippi Longstocking Halloween costume untill this year, 2008. I bought … Read more

Coolest Cinderella and Prince Charming Couple Costume

Homemade Cinderella and Prince Charming Couple Costume

I created a Homemade Cinderella and Prince Charming Couple Costume. For Cinderella I started with a sewing pattern for a leotard. I altered the pattern to get a v neck in the front and I wanted cap sleeves I like in the R&H Cinderella that Brandy and Whitney Huston are in. The only problem with … Read more

Coolest Homemade Bat Costume

Homemade Bat Costume

My names Kimberly Valles, I live in Southern California and I currently submitted Jack the Skellington homemade costume. This is my Bat Costume creation I made just recently. As you know I’m a costume designer trying to open my own business. I made that bat costume out of many different fabric material and wire hangers. … Read more