Headless Doctor Costume

Headless Doctor Costume

We got our inspiration for our headless doctor costume from your amazing website. Tired of being the same old vampire, skeleton etc. we started looking about online for something different and stumbled upon your “headless” section. We made good use of the tips other people had written and we too opted for the rolling backpack with … Read more

Mommy’s Little Magic Dragon Costume

Mommy's Little Magic Dragon Costume

Our family watched the most recent season of America’s Got Talent on NBC.  My son quickly became a fan of Piff the Magic Dragon – a comedian/magician who was competing on the show.  The real Piff finished in the Top 10, and when the season was over, my son announced that he wanted to be … Read more

Coolest Homemade Captain Rex Costume for 10-Year-Old

Coolest Homemade Captain Rex Costume for 10-Year-Old

My family is pretty crazy about Halloween costumes, so the kids need to decide on their costumes early to give me enough time to build them.  Luckily, my 10 year old son had his heart set on a Star Wars Clone Wars theme for quite a while.  I think he has seen every episode of … Read more

Coolest Bing Bong Costume Ever

Coolest Bing Bong Costume Ever

Every year my family tends to go a little overboard on Halloween costumes (OK, according to my wife – a lot overboard). So choosing a costume starts early for the kids in order to give me enough time to make them. My 8-year old daughter seems to have a knack for picking very recognizable characters … Read more

Cool Lego Minifig Costume

Cool Lego Minifig Costume

My 7-year-old son is really into Legos.  We’d previously had a Lego-themed birthday party and decided to go with that theme for Halloween this year.  Rather than a Lego brick, we decided to really challenge Mom’s skills and go for a Lego man minifig.  I spent a lot of time looking online (this site included, … Read more

Coolest Kid’s Haunted Castle Costume

Coolest Kid's Haunted Castle Costume

Why do I always ask my son (He’s 8 now) “What do you want to be for Halloween?” You would think that I would have learned that he wants to be something challenging. Well in his defence this year he did say something generic when I first asked him. I don’t even remember what. Ninja? … Read more

Huge Bouquet of Flowers Costume

Huge Bouquet of Flowers Costume

I thought of this idea last Halloween after my daughters won for their 7th year in a row at a local costume contest. We like to brainstorm the night we win on the drive home. Usually I make costumes with a box, but this year we thought outside of the box to win again! The … Read more

Toddler’s Deluxe Handmade Spider Witch Costume

Toddler's Deluxe Handmade Spider Witch Costume

My daughter Eve is 3 years old, and finally decided she wanted to be a witch for Halloween. I was super excited since I was planning on making her costume, and this was my first Halloween with my sewing machine! I went to the fabric store right away and found a beautiful purple fabric, and … Read more

Our Little Mermaid in Costume

Our Little Mermaid in Costume

My 3-year-old daughter is really into mermaids.  Not the Little Mermaid specifically, but mermaids in general.  She asked to be a mermaid for Halloween this year.  I looked online for inspiration (this site included, of course) and borrowed ideas from here and there.  My daughter went with me to shop for fabric and chose purple … Read more

Riley The Robot Costume

Riley The Robot Costume

I always look forward to Halloween, so that I can dress my little girl as some sort of Princess or in a cutesy costume. Well, this year she went to Daddy instead of me and asked if he would help her build the greatest robot costume. They started searching for the perfect box in order to … Read more

Malecifent at her Best

Malecifent at her Best

Our daughter in law made this costume for her niece Elena and I thought she did an amazing job. Elena won first prize last night at the Sault Greyhounds Hockey Game contest. Elena called us today to tell us (her grandparents ) that everyone was telling her she made a amazing Malecifent.

Jenny Costume from Call the Midwife

Jenny Costume from Call the Midwife

Meirabel, who is five years old, came up with the idea of being Jenny from Call the Midwife as we were watching the show one day about a month ago. But the greatness did not stop there; she also had a hand in every decision moving forward with the outfit. The Dress is an eBay … Read more