Transforming Bumblebee Costume

Transforming Bumblebee Costume

Our 8 year old son announce in August that dad and i needed to make a transformer bumble bee costume that would transform. After searching for online plans in vain, we began creating our own design. After many failed attempts we finally found one that worked. Foam core posterboards, 2 rolls of duct tape, a … Read more

The Amazing Scoop and Bob the Builder Costume

The Amazing Scoop and Bob the Builder Costume

How did we come up with the idea for this costume? Jack our 5 year old son is riding his wheelchair Scoop! Jack loves trucks so much. He plays with the truck Scoop every single day. We have lots of photos of him laying on the sofa hugging his truck. His love for trucks is … Read more

Coolest Angler Fish in a Aquarium Costume

Coolest Angler Fish in a Aquarium Costume

My son, Blake, asked to be a fish tank for Halloween this year. He is a fish hobbyist. He has a 55 gallon fish tank in his room that he loves dearly! I’m sure that is where his idea came from. The Angler Fish was inspired from the movie, “Finding Nemo”. We decided he was … Read more

Easy Light Up Child’s Jellyfish Costume

Easy Light Up Child's Jellyfish Costume

My daughter Ella loves all things “Under the Sea”, so this year she wanted to go as a Jellyfish! I figured it would be easy to make so we gave it a shot. I got the majority of the materials from the dollar store, because our goal was easy and cheap. And it turned out … Read more

Stay Puft (Mini) Marshmallow Man Costume

Stay Puft (Mini) Marshmallow Man Costume

I was more than delighted when my four year old asked me in spring if he could be the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man for Halloween. Immediately after his first time watching, he knew he needed to be that monster. As summer went on, his choice never waivered and his plan grew. He came up with … Read more

The Lego Movie Mini Figures Costumes

The Lego Movie Mini Figures Costumes

My kids loved The Lego Movie. I mean, who didn’t – am I right? So it was no surprise when they asked me to make them mini figure costumes for Halloween. Kid #1 wanted to be Bad Cop, and Kid #2 wanted to be Vitruvius. Easy-peasy. I make my kids’ costumes every year, and every … Read more

Wreck-It Ralph Family Costume with Sugar Racer Wheelchair Costume

Wreck-It Ralph Family Costume with Sugar Racer Wheelchair Costume

Our daughter Ana was born with Rett Syndrome and is in a wheelchair. When we started planning our costumes we wanted to make something for her wheelchair that would make her feel like everybody else trick or treating.  I wanted people to notice her for her costume and not her wheelchair and disability. When I … Read more

Killer Candy Robot 3000 Costume

Killer Candy Robot 3000 Costume

I am an 11-year-old boy who loves to make stuff with electronics and programming. This year for Halloween, I decided to make a robot costume. This robot costume that took me about 4 weeks to make, most of the time was soldering and programming/testing the microcontroller code. This costume has 4 microcontrollers inside (2 in … Read more

La Muerte Costume from The Book of Life

La Muerte Costume from The Book of Life

My daughter is La Muerte from The Book of Life.  There was no “La Muerte” costume on the market so I had to create this costume from scratch – it is 100% made by me. Materials used: dress pattern (made by me); skirt hem structure is a hula hoop (I bustled the front of the … Read more

Cool Deadpool Costume

Cool Deadpool Costume

My nine-year old has been a fan of the Merc With A Mouth for as long as he can read.  So when we saw a teaser for the Deadpool film, he asked if I could turn him into Deadpool.  Challenge accepted. I toyed with the idea of using a strechy material for the mask, but … Read more

Head in a Jar Illusion Costume

Head in a Jar Illusion Costume

My son wanted to create his own costume this year and be a headless man. We initially discouraged his idea as it seemed too scarey and dangerous to walk around not being able to see well out of the costume. That’s were the idea to have him hold his own head came from Then after … Read more

Kids Couple Costume: Marilyn Monroe and Frank Sinatra

Kids Couple Costume: Marilyn Monroe and Frank Sinatra

I wanted to dress up my kids (ages 3 and 5) as a couple, but have them be something unique, that I have not seen kids dressed as. So, I began looking around the house. I have Old Hollywood photos on the wall, which gave me the idea. I began with my daughter, I had … Read more