Coolest Plex Costume

Coolest Plex Costume

For Halloween my son decided he wanted to be Plex from Yo Gabba Gabba. I like to homemake his costumes every year and this homemade Plex costume was going to prove to be a lot of work! First we went to a fabric store and scoured the bargain bins. Finally I found a yellow pleather … Read more

Coolest Gonzo Costume

Coolest Gonzo Costume

This is my tribute to the Muppets. I absolutely love the Muppets and am very excited that a new movie is about to come out. My husband was Beaker, I was Gonzo, and my sister was Animal. For Gonzo, I took a football helmet and built it up using pieces of foam and hot glue. … Read more

Coolest Yo Gabba Gabba Costume

Plex the robot costume from Yo Gabba Gabba

I have to start off saying my husband hates this show but our boys love it. So I found it very amusing when my 4yr old asked for me to make him a Plex robot from the Yo Gabba Gabba show on Nick jr. I hadn’t made a homemade costume in years and wasn’t sure … Read more

Coolest Homemade Elmo Costume

Homemade  Elmo Costume

I made this Elmo Costume for my 11 year old niece. I got a pattern for hooded pajamas and used red furry fabric to make the pajamas. Then I bought Styrofoam balls for his eyes and a flat oval shape of Styrofoam for his nose. I covered the eyes with white fabric and colored the … Read more

Coolest Homemade Animal Muppet Halloween Costume

Homemade Animal Muppet Halloween Costume

Another one from our Homemade Animal Muppet Halloween Costume this year. This one took hours to put together. Again, supplies came from thrift and dollar stores, so you can do it cheap if you’re willing to put in the time. For the head: I cut the rim off a baseball cap to use as the … Read more

Coolest Homemade Animal Muppet Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade Animal Muppet Halloween Costume Idea

I constructed this homemade Animal Muppet Halloween costume idea using paper mache, an old fleece blanket and yarn. The nose and eyes are plastic Christmas ornaments with paint and felt, and the teeth and spikes are carved foam. The t-shirt also has a custom “rock fingers” stencil spray painted on for the punk rock look. … Read more

Coolest Homemade Sesame Street Gang and Katy Perry Costumes

The gang is all here! Due to the large amount of press that Katy Perry received for her barely there top on her episode of Sesame Street, my friends and I thought that the Sesame Street gang + Katy Perry would make the best Halloween costumes ever! The dresses and sashes are all hand made, … Read more

Coolest Homemade Nanny from The Muppet Babies Couple Costume

Homemade Nanny from The Muppet Babies Couple Costume

I’ve always admired the character “Nanny” from “The Muppet Babies”. She was the wise character with the striped stockings who always came in to snap those Muppet babies back to reality. The best part about her was you never were permitted to see above her knee. So mysterious and stoic. This year I convinced my … Read more

Coolest Muppet Miss Piggy and Kermit Couple Costume

Homemade Muppet Miss Piggy and Kermit Couple Costume

I have a reputation of always having great costumes. I feel the good pressure every year to come up with something brilliant that makes people say “She’s done it again!” This Homemade Muppet Miss Piggy and Kermit Couple Costume was one of my husband and my best costumes we have ever done! We had a … Read more

Coolest Muppet Group Costume

Coolest Muppet Group Costume 2

In anticipation of the new Muppet Movie, we decided to be some of our favorite Muppets. For Gonzo: I simply took a football helmet and hot glued pieces of foam to it to build it up. I shaped the nose out of crumpled up newspaper wrapped in duct tape and hot glued it to the … Read more