Coolest Falafel Costume

Coolest Falafel Costume

Hi there…My daughter came up with this crazy idea of creating her a Falafel costume. so I’ve checked on line and tried to find to ready a ready one, but unfortanley didn’t find any. So I decided to create one from sponge. Actually it took me like 4 hours all the cuttings and painting And … Read more

Super-Green Homemade Ruby Rhod Costume!

Super-Green Homemade Ruby Rhod Costume!

I usually do something dark or twisted for a Halloween costume but last year I decided to go a little more fun. So who is fun? Who’s off the wall? Who has one of the best costumes in a Sci-Fi/Action movie? RUBY RHOD of course! BZZZZZ! I decided to do a complete female version of … Read more

Awesome Corpse Bride Costume

Awesome Corpse Bride Costume

Hey there! I started off this awesome Corpse Bride Costume by heading to a thrift shop where I purchased a long-sleeve wedding gown for $10. It was (in my opinion!) a perfect dress for this look.  The dress already had a sweetheart neckline, so all I had to do was cut off the sleeves, and a … Read more

Coolest Homemade LEGO Minfigures and Blocks Group Costume

Coolest Homemade LEGO Minfigures and Blocks Group Costume

Il gruppo italiano dei Lego costruiti interamente in casa. 9mq di polistirolo, 3 mq di cartoncino, bombolette spray, 9 cartoni e pennarelli sono gli ingredienti per realizzare questo set di mattoncini e omini Lego fatti in casa. Per i mattoncini semplici cartoni sagomati in scala e rivestiti di colla vinilica con giornali, per gli omini … Read more

Sexy, Politically Correct, No-Sew TMNT Costume!

Sexy, Politically Correct, No-Sew TMNT Costume!

My name is Emily and I live in Austin, Texas. Halloween is a huge holiday event in Austin and each year I try to be something unique, but at the same time something I personally like. I grew up on the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series but have such a petite figure the store-made … Read more

Cool Homemade Genie of the Lamp Costume

Cool Homemade Genie of the Lamp Costume

This  Genie of the Lamp costume was tedious but the outcome was perfect. I started with a simple tee shirt, cut it across the middle, cut off the sleeves and split it down the middle to make a vest. I adorned it with rhinestones, cheap chain, upholstery trim, felt and chrome poster board to cover up any logos. … Read more

Crocheted Rapunzel Halloween Costume

Crocheted Rapunzel Halloween Costume

I really love to crochet, and I also love to wear costumes, so for Halloween 2012 I decided I wanted to crochet my entire costume. Since I’m a big Disney fan, and Rapunzel is my favorite princess, (and also because the wig sounded fun!) I decided she would be my character this year. I had … Read more

Lady Liberty and the Big Apple Couple Costume

Lady Liberty and the Big Apple Couple Costume

For this year’s family costume party my mother-in-law chose the theme “Famous Couples”. My husband and I didn’t want to choose something boring or obvious like Bonnie & Clyde or Spongebob & Patrick, so we created this Lady Liberty and the Big Apple Couple Costume. I was dressed like the Statue of Liberty and he … Read more

Crowd-Pleasing Little Green Alien Couple Toy Story Costume

Crowd-Pleasing Little Green Alien Couple Toy Story Costume

This Little Green Alien couple Toy Story costume was a crowd favorite. Toy Story is done a lot, but most people stick with the main characters. My boyfriend and I decided to go a different way. We like to joke and have fun, so little green Alien was the best way to do that. The only … Read more

Cute Pongo and Perdita Costume for Couples

Cute Pongo and Perdita Costume for Couples

I made this Cute Pongo and Perdita Costume for Couples all by myself for my boyfriend and I.  I am a huge Disney freak so it made sense that we would be something Disney for Halloween. First I went to our local T shirt outlet and bought a plain white crew neck sweatshirt for myself and Sweatpants … Read more

Coolest Homemade Gargoyle Costume Idea

Coolest Homemade Gargoyle Costume Ideas

This is how I made my Gargoyle costume. I started by shaving my entire body; head legs chest etc. It was not much fun and I have a lot more appreciation for what a lot of women go through! Then I applied a base coat of liquid latex. You can buy this at any Halloween … Read more