Cool Cindy Lou Who Homemade Girls Halloween Costume

My Amelia takes her precious time every year trying to pick just the PERFECT costume... some how every year she picks a costume that TOTALLY fits her

My Amelia takes her precious time every year trying to pick just the PERFECT costume. Some how every year she picks a costume that TOTALLY fits her original look. This year she FELL IN LOVE with the idea of a Cindy Lou Who hair do! Our first step was to find a black and white … Read more

Drop Dead Awesome Sesame Street Gang Costumes

Hi, Im Megan and these are my friends and mine Sesame Street 2012 costumes. Im Cookie Monster, Emily is Oscar, Shelby is Big Bird and Brittney is Elm

Hi, I’m Megan and these are my friends and mine Sesame Street gang costumes 2012. I’m Cookie Monster, Emily is Oscar, Shelby is Big Bird and Brittney is Elmo. Our dresses are made out of duct tape. We wore camis underneath them as a dress so we could still use the bathroom, except Emily she … Read more

Coolest Kia Soul Hamsters Couple Halloween Costumes

A friend of mine wanted her and her husband to be the Kia Soul “Hamstars” (the hamsters in the Kia commercials.)  I think we hadgrea

A friend of mine wanted her and her husband to be the Kia Soul “Hamstars” (the hamsters in the Kia commercials.)  I think we had great success with these ones – I know they had a great time at the party, they even won the prize for the most creative costume. It took about 2 … Read more

Coolest Final Jeopardy Halloween Costume That Lights Up!

I was googling different costume ideas two weeks ago, and somehow stumbled on the Jeopardy photos on this site! And I thought that is brilliant and h

I was Googling different costume ideas two weeks ago, and somehow stumbled on the Jeopardy photos on this site! And I thought that is brilliant and hilarious! I have to try this, with my own special twist! This is my final Jeopardy Halloween costume that lights up! I used a large piece of cardboard from … Read more

Coolest Clue Characters Group Halloween Costume

Coolest Clue Characters Group Halloween Costume

I love to dress up.  No matter the holiday, theme, or occasion I will find a way to costume-it-up.  So, obviously I love Halloween.  Each year, I commit days, weeks, (and this year) the past few months to putting together my Halloween costumes.  I put blood, sweat, and tears into designs for myself and my … Read more

Homemade Jet Pack Optical Illusion Halloween Costume

This costume took a couple of days of planning and a lot of thought. But the results are great. people think that I\'m doing some kind of magic tri

This Jet Pack Optical Illusion Halloween costume took a couple of days of planning and a lot of thought. But the results are great. People think that I’m doing some kind of magic trick at first and then they laugh when they figure out the costume. I took one old motorcycle helmet one old Bee Gees … Read more

Original and Creative Homemade Halloween Costume: Dreamcatcher

Original and Creative Homemade Halloween Costume: Dreamcatcher

I was tired of store bought trashy girl costumes. I wanted something that was unique, magical, and slightly obnoxious in a crowd. This site inspired me to create everything from scratch in the true homemade spirit. This is how I made my own original and creative homemade Halloween costume: Dreamcatcher Materials: Small diameter irrigation tubing … Read more

Coolest Homemade Bride Greta Gremlin Costume

Coolest Homemade Bride Greta Gremlin Costume

Okay, must say Greta Gremlin costume came to mind during Covid, having to stay home more, working remotely, this costume was my therapy and distraction from all the craziness. I needed something epic to wear, something fun and amazing to make everyone smile. Gremlins, who doesn’t love Gremlins? You people out there are so talented, … Read more

Coolest DIY Queen of Hearts Costume for a Girl

Coolest DIY Queen of Hearts Costume for a Girl

This year my kiddo wanted a Queen of Hearts costume. We went to Hobby Lobby to pick out material. My daughter was excited to start the project so she told the young girl at the cut counter all of her plans for the costume. The girl asked if she planned on being a nice queen. … Read more

Coolest LittleBigPlanet Sackboy Costume

Coolest LittleBigPlanet Sackboy Costume

Here’s our Sackboy costume. My son loves the LittleBigPlanet video game series and really wanted to be Sackboy for Halloween. I had no idea how I was going to do it, but just decided to figure it out as I went. The Sackboy character itself can wear costumes in the video game, but we both … Read more