Coolest Homemade Bob Barker Costume

Homemade Bob Barker Costume

Growing up I spend morning after morning with my Grandmother watching the Price is Right, and feeling that the tanned man on screen was like another surrogate grandfather. Bob was part of the family. Now since he is no longer on the air, I felt as though it was proper time to immortalize him in … Read more

Coolest Homemade Carmen Sandiego Costume

Homemade Carmen Sandiego Costume

I was in love with the computer game ‘Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego” as a kid, and was brainstorming the idea of being some sort of character in ‘popular culture’and not a ‘dead bride, princess etc’ I went to Value Village and miraculously found a perfect skirt and suit jacket set for about … Read more

Coolest Fear Factor Contestant Costume

Homemade Fear Factor Contestant Costume

Supplies for this costume: White Long Sleeve Shirt Jeans Knee & Elbow pads Goggles Transfer sheets that can be ironed onto clothing (buy @ Walmart) Different kinds of large (gross looking) squishy bugs She was told by so many people how creative this costume was & how much they loved it, so this was a … Read more

Coolest Carmen San Diego Costume

Homemade Carmen San Diego Costume

I used to LOVE the computer game “Where in the world is Carmen SanDiego” so I thought I’d be her for Halloween. I won first prize in a costume contest. I got the coat at a retail store. It’s a winter coat but it was a cold October night so it came in handy and … Read more

Coolest Big Wheel Halloween Costume

"Spinning the Big Wheel"

My husband and I watch the Price is Right everyday, along with our almost three-year-old Cameron. He loves the wheel, and the noise it makes. Early this year my husband said, “Wouldn’t it be cool if we could make him the Big Wheel Halloween costume?” I thought that it was a great idea, but I … Read more

Cool DIY Jeopardy Contestant Costume

Easy Costume Ideas, Photos and Tips

I was trying to come up with easy costume ideas for a Halloween party my friend was throwing. I came up with the Jeopardy Contestant. You will need one large cardboard box, one medium cardboard box, one or two cans of flat gray spray paint (will depend on size of box), one can of metallic … Read more

Coolest American Gladiators Group Costume

Homemade American Gladiators Group Costume

Our American Gladiators Group Costume was vintage American Gladiators Zap, Blaze and Ice. To keep with the 80’s look, we went extreme on the hair and makeup with bold red, blue and gold eye shadow and ratted big curly hair. Our costumes were red, white, blue and gold themed. Two of the girls used wrestling … Read more

Coolest Price is Right Group Costume

Coolest Homemade Group Halloween Costume Ideas and Photos

This year in honor of Bob Barker’s retirement we decided to deck our family out in a group Halloween costume of “The Price is Right”! Dad was the Big Wheel, Mom was the game, Plinko the oldest daughter was a Barker’s beauty, and the younger daughter was the contestant! Our newest addition (six weeks old!) … Read more

Coolest Homemade American Gladiators Couple Costume

Homemade American Gladiators Couple Costume

We started making our Homemade American Gladiators Couple Costume with old high school singlets and sewed several red, white and blue stars all over them. We made the jousting sticks with old brooms, towels, and colored duct tape. Instead of wrapping the entire stick, we used the old method and made the square look from … Read more

Coolest Homemade Jeopardy Contestant Costume

Homemade Jeopardy Contestant Costume

I won’t lie, I got this idea of a Homemade Jeopardy Contestant Costume off of someone else on this web-site and thought it was amazing so I made my own version! I don’t have much of a write-up but I did get loads of compliments on it. All I did was create the artwork on … Read more

Coolest Homemade Jeopardy Costume

Homemade Jeopardy Costume

Cardboard Box + grey spraypaint + construction paper + whiteout + sharpie + red reflective sticker + pen + ribbon! I made the box pretty obviously. I used the reflective sticker for the red squares at the top and attached a pen with ribbon as my clicker. To make it a little bit more sexy … Read more