DIY Wizard Of Oz Family Costume

DIY Wizard Of Oz Family Costume

We do a family costume theme each year, everyone gives an idea and then we vote together on which one we think will be the most fun, easy to recognize and create. Each of them has to have enough characters for each member of the family. This year was a close vote between Alice In … Read more

Coolest Toy Story Family of Toy Soldiers Costume

Coolest Toy Story Family of Toy Soldiers Costume

This toy soldier’s costume idea was perfect for the family and getting everyone involved. We had a Halloween wedding to attend and needed costumes for it. We talked of a group Disney costume and in the search, my husband found the toy soldier from Toy Story. We started by going to the Goodwill and Salvation … Read more

Cool Homemade Sesame Street Family Costumes

Cool Homemade Sesame Street Family Costumes

My 2 year old son is obsessed with Cookie Monster (and cookies in general) and insisted on being him for Halloween.  This meant that I had to plan our costumes around this theme and make sure they were warm as it is always freezing here on Halloween! Elmo and Cookie Monster were very simple.  We … Read more

Sanderson Sisters Group Halloween Costume

Sanderson Sisters Group Halloween Costume

Was amazed to find that there were no off the shelf Sanderson sister costumes, so put together as follows: Skirts – Purchased plain skirts and used old bed linen and remnants to sew in to the skirts to give layered look. Capes sewed in ribbons. Corset sewed in gold hoops. Brooms added, watching outfit ribbons … Read more

Cool Monsters Inc. Mike Wazoski Toddler DIY Costume

Cool Monsters Inc. Mike Wazoski Toddler DIY Costume

Mike Wazoski is watched a lot around here. My 2 year old loves Disney Monsters, Inc and Monsters University. We asked what he wanted to be this year for Halloween, and he chose Mike! This was a difficult costume to make. I wanted my son to look the part, but I also had to think … Read more

Coolest Family Lego Movie Costumes

Coolest Family Lego Movie Costumes

When making this group of Lego movie costumes, I made a lot of mistakes and had to rip apart and re-glue a lot, so don’t be discouraged. If you have a family as big as mine, I suggest you start at the beginning of the month, and work little by little so you’re not stressed. … Read more

Coolest Game of Thrones Family Costume

Coolest Game of Thrones Family Costume

This year we decided on a Game of Thrones family costume for Halloween. For Daenerys- My daughter doesn’t watch the show, but she is familiar with “The Mother of Dragons” from YouTube clips she’s seen of Daenerys, and she decided that she wanted to be her for Halloween. So I decided to make her the … Read more

Everything is Awesome LEGO Movie Costumes

Everything is Awesome LEGO Movie Costumes

After watching The Lego Movie and loving it, we thought about making some characters from the movie.  We just went through a rough summer, with an adoption that fell through four days after we brought home the baby, and our hearts were broken.  We decided we needed a project, and recruited our good friends and … Read more

Cowabunga! DIY Ninja Turtle Costumes for Female Group

Cowabunga! DIY Ninja Turtle Costumes for Female Group

Steps to “Righteous” DIY Ninja Turtle Costume: Leonardo (Blue), Donatello (Purple), Raphael (Red), Michealangelo (Orange) 1.  Turtle Shell- We purchased turkey foil pans for $1.00 each and paper mached them to give them a turtle shell look then spray painted them using brown and green aerosol paints.  We drilled holes in the top and bottom and each side and … Read more

Corporate LEGO Minifigure Costumes Extravaganza

Corporate LEGO Minifigure Costumes Extravaganza

First, I should give you some background about how crazy the Halloween competition at my work is. I’ve been at my current job, a graphic designer for, for about five years now. When I first joined, Halloween was very small, as was our company. Some people dressed up, and we had a little walk … Read more

The Goonies Never Say Die Group Costume

The Goonies Never Say Die Group Costume

You probably already know that Sloth is dripping with swag goo. What you may not have known is that his crew is pretty savvy too. Our group decided we wanted to be The Goonies this year. We knew that the tallest guy would make a great Sloth and the hairiest man would HAVE to be … Read more