Three Brothers Living the LEGO Movie Dream on Halloween

Three Brothers Living the LEGO Movie Dream on Halloween

I am the mom of three little boys. I am surrounded, outnumbered, and totally submerged in all things boy, all day, every day, and I have come to embrace this. Halloween costumes are no exception to this rule. Each year, I like to do the boys’ costumes as one common theme. (And they’re still young … Read more

Amazing Taxidermy Animal Heads Funny Group Costume

Amazing Taxidermy Animal Heads Funny Group Costume

I’m crazy about Halloween!  I love it all, but top priority for me is always the costume.  This year, I did a funny group costume and couldn’t be happier with the results!  The idea came to me in August, I’ve been recruiting and crafting since! The idea was simple–hunter’s trophy wall of animal heads–but the … Read more

Fun Napoleon Dynamite Group Costume

Fun Napoleon Dynamite Group Costume

My boyfriend, his roommate and I all decided  to go as a character from the movie Napoleon Dynamite. When we thought of this idea we immediately got excited and picked out which character we wanted to be! Luckily, our costumes were simple to make. First we went to Goodwill and got a few items, then … Read more

Our Homemade Pacman Famliy Costumes

Our Homemade Pacman Famliy Costumes

This was an idea my husband and I have had for a few years now. Making our costumes has become a tradition for us every year and our friends and family are always excited to see what we’ve come up with. Usually we only create costumes for our 2 boys. We had our other 2 … Read more

Pixar’s UP Themed DIY Costumes

Pixar's UP Themed DIY Costumes

Here are our Pixar Up costumes: For Kevin we cut out individual feathers (about 300 of them) out of felt and glued them to a structure that we carved out of floral cones. We then fit the cone through the hood of a sweatshirt allowing it to stand straight up. Then we covered the sweatshirt … Read more

Cool Homemade Simpsons Family Costume

Cool Homemade Simpsons Family Costume

‘The Simpsons’ is my all time favorite show! When I was younger, I would say “if I ever have a family big enough I would dress us up as the Simpsons”, and  15 years later I did it! My son aka Bart was the hardest because he hates putting anything on, so we left him … Read more

No Sew Toddler Stay Puft Marshmallow Man Costume

No Sew Toddler Stay Puft Marshmallow Man Costume

This Stay Puft Marshmallow Man costume was a huge hit!  I thought of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man after watching my newly-walking little bow stomp around the house.  I didn’t have much time and knew if I pulled out my sewing machine it would double the creation time so I did this all with a hot … Read more

Cool Family Alice in Wonderland Costumes

Cool Family Alice in Wonderland Costumes

This is How I Made the Cool Family Alice in Wonderland Costumes: Wow! Almost didn’t get these pulled together. The tutu dresses started out as just the body and the tutu. But they looked so plain that I ended up adding the sleeves at the last minute. The white rabbit was the easiest, but getting … Read more

Google Girls Group Costume

Google Girls Group Costume

We wanted to do something fun and different. We also wanted to be comfortable. We were in college so on a budget and found these white painter pants at Home Depot and white undershirts at Target. We got fabric scraps to make the letters. We had so much fun but it was not easy sticking … Read more

Night of Terror Zombie Costumes

Night of Terror Zombie Costumes

My school decided to put on a Haunted House for the first time ever (eep yay!), and at first my group’s part was the “backwoods rednecks”, but that was not very scary at all in my opinion. We finally got the president of our club to approve a “nursery” theme. Then the task of finding … Read more

Coolest Ever Homemade Power Rangers Costumes

Coolest Ever Homemade Power Rangers Costumes

Power Rangers Costumes Idea Our four boys are avid power ranger fans. They were pretty bummed when I missed Halloween last year because I was deployed to Afghanistan as an Army aviator. My wife and I knew we wanted to make this Halloween as fun as possible to make up for missed memories. When the … Read more