Coolest Homemade Minion Carrying a Box Illusion Costume

Coolest Homemade Minion Carrying a Box Illusion Costume

This year for Halloween I really wanted to make a minion from Despicable Me. But when I thought more deeply into making this costume, many questions popped into my head if I were to go outside dressed as a giant minion. How would I see? How would I eat? How would I drink? Would I … Read more

Coolest Aircraft Carrier and Captain Costume

Coolest Aircraft Carrier and Captain Costume

My Son Matthew isn’t like the other kids.  His classmates were all going as “store bought zombie _____ (fill in the blank, ex: zombie babseball, zombie army man, etc)” for Halloween, but not my boy.  He enjoys Halloween and enjoys creating costumes that no one else has seen.  This season- ‘Aircraft Carrier’.  We have made … Read more

Cool Pilot and Airplane Cardboard Box Airplane Costume

Cool Pilot and Airplane Cardboard Box Airplane Costume

We came across an airplane as we were thinking and browsing for Halloween Costumes.  Of course the 5 year old thought it was ‘cool’ and I thought, ‘I can make that’… famous last words. It actually was not nearly as difficult as I thought it might be.  I found one big box for the body … Read more

Women’s Vintage Bi-Plane Costume

Women's Vintage Bi-Plane Costume

I made this costume for a Jazz age themed party and it got a lot of attention. It’s a combination of an early pin up girl and show girl costume. My wife found the dress online. It looks like a vintage dress from the 1930s and shows some leg and it has the silver sparkle … Read more

Best-Ever Headless Trick-or-Treater

Best-Ever Headless Trick-or-Treater

My daughter is 8 years old and she thinks about halloween all year round.  She knew last year that she wanted to be a headless person. Now how we were going to do it was the trick. We bought a couple long trench coats from a local thrift store. For only $2.00 each we didn’t … Read more

Optical Illusion Electric Chair Death Sentence Costume

Optical Illusion Electric Chair Death Sentence Costume

I got the idea about 15 years ago when I saw a guy wearing something similar. I’ve wanted to do this ever since, so I decided this would be the year. I started the costume in mid-September and finished October 20, 2013. The chair is made from cardboard which I measured, cut, folded and constructed … Read more

Life-Size Green Army Men and Tank Couple Halloween Costume

Life-Size Green Army Men and Tank Couple Halloween Costume

My sister and I are best friends, so when our sons were born only three days apart, we knew they would be close. Although they have very different personalities, the boys like to do as much as possible together. My family loves Halloween, and we like to make our own costumes. The boys were nine … Read more

Best Mom-Made Scuba Diver Costume for a 5 Year Old

Best Mom-Made Scuba Diver Costume for a 5 Year Old

We made the coolest scuba diver costume for Halloween this year.  It even glowed!!!  Our son was the happiest kid in town. It started back in the summer. We bought him a youth scuba diver kit for when we go to the local swimming pool.  Our son is fascinated with the ocean, ponds, swimming pools, etc. If … Read more

Last-Minute DIY Jigsaw Costume

Last-Minute DIY Jigsaw Costume

This Halloween I wanted to stray from the typical sexy/cutsie costumes that are generally advertised for women.  I wanted something a little more edgy and outgoing.  I opted for the jigsaw character from The Saw movies. The idea to transform myself into this character was a pretty easy task. I needed something that would be … Read more

Contest-Winning Pirate and Her Ship Costume

Contest-Winning Pirate and Her Ship Costume

My daughter were brainstorming on what Grandpa Bemo could make this year for McKenley for Halloween.  We came up with the pirate ship.  When shown to Grandpa he stated *Mary that is way to big*  *What are you thinking?*  I said I thought that is would be awesome.  Please build it!!!!  The next morning he … Read more

Awesome G1 Optimus Prime Costume from Recycled Materials

Awesome G1 Optimus Prime Costume from Recycled Materials

From an early age, I was a fan of Generation 1 Transformers and was fascinated by them. Therefore, when I had the opportunity and the know-how, I decided to create my own life-sized transformer costume. I chose to model my costume after Optimus Prime, as the most recognizable character and to stick to the Gen … Read more