Coolest Homemade Werewolf Halloween Costume

Homemade Werewolf Halloween Costume

I’ve been wanting to create a homemade Werewolf Halloween costume for awhile, and after 6 years in the Army, I finally completed my term of service and had some down time to make it happen. I’m the same guy that made the “Gargoyle” and “Reptile-man” costumes, previously featured on this site. I learned a lot … Read more

Awesome Homemade Smurfs Group Costume

Smurfs Costume

As with any kid who grew up in the 80’s I was a fan of the Smurfs and what better way to pay tribute to the classic cartoon than to be dressed in the Smurfs costume. As you can see we have Papa Smurf, Smurfette, Brainy smurf and Taylor smurf. All of the pants for … Read more

Coolest Carebears Costume

Carebears Cistyne

Where do I start? The costumes were a group decision amongst a group of grown men who all thought it was time to shock the local costume party we attend. And if seeing 6 foot tall grown men in bright colored jumpsuits isn’t shock then I am not sure what is. The Carebear costumes were … Read more

Coolest Homemade Rafiki Costume from The Lion King

Homemade Rafiki Costume from the Lion King

This is my Rafiki costume (from the Lion King) that I made for my Son Joshua. I used a pattern to sew the furry suit, but actually it was quite tight on him for October 31st… Making the Rafiki Costume I started with Styrofoam block for the face and carved it to the shape. Then, … Read more

Coolest Homemade Circus Animal in a Cage Wheelchair Costume

Homemade Circus Animal in a Cage Wheelchair Costume

We wanted Christopher’s costume to coordinate with his sister’s. We had decided that she was going to be a Circus Clown in a Clown in a Clown Car, so we decided that Christopher would be a Circus Animal in a Cage Wheelchair Costume. The cage was made using parts from an old laundry drying rack … Read more

Coolest Haunted Portrait Costume

Homemade Haunted Portrait Costume

I’m not really sure how the idea hit me for this Haunted Portrait Costume, I think it was a combination of ideas and thoughts that came together. I knew I wanted something different, something that would stand out. But also I wanted something interesting, something that would move or pop-up. So I started to plan … Read more

Awesome Homemade Icee Costume

Awesome Homemade Icee Costume

My 12 year old daughter wanted to be her favorite after-school treat this year, an Icee drink! We started off with two white poster boards and two wire hangers. I bent the hangers into circles and glued on the poster board. I cut out holes for her arms, and added strips of red and blue … Read more

Coolest Purple Rain Costume

Coolest Purple Rain Costume

My friend wanted her son to be Prince for Halloween and asked me to come up with something for her. I went to the Salvation Army army and found a pair of purple XL PJ pants made from velvet that were perfect for the jacket! I went home and cut it up and hot glued … Read more

Coolest Boo Costume from Monsters Inc.

Coolest boo from monsters inc costume

Ive always wanted my kids to be Monsters Inc. characters, but never really made them. This year I decided to go ahead a give it a try. I started off with an old jacket that my 2 year old had outgrown. I was about to throw it away then thought it would be perfect for … Read more

Cool Homemade Yo Gabba Gabba Plex Robot Costume

Cool Homemade Yo Gabba Gabba Plex Robot

I had a lady ask me if I could make her granddaughter a unique costume this year because last year she had seen my daughter’s Starbucks costume and loved it! So she requested I make a Yo Gabba Gabba Plex the robot costume. I started off with a large cardboard box. I formed a circle … Read more

Coolest Sour Patch Kids Costume Ever!

Coolest Sourpatch kid costume ever!

This year I thought the Sour Patch Kids costume would be perfect for my 4 year old daughter because we always call her the Sour Patch Kid, first she’s sour, then she’s sweet. :) I started off with an old pair of pajamas the my daughter didn’t need anymore. I cut off the feet from … Read more

Coolest Wheelchair Trike Costume

Coolest Wheelchair Trike Costume

This year William Joel had machine fabricating friends create the coolest 3-wheeler adaption to his small Quickie wheelchair. What started out to be a simple build, was to put the front end of a bicycle on William’s pediatric wheel-chair. As we all know, what usually happens in creating such a build is the desire to … Read more