Coolest Batman and Batcycle Costume

Homemade Batman and Batcycle Costume

Jacob, my 4 yr old, is Batman here… I made his bat utility belt out of card board and duct tape. You can make interactive boxes for storing a cable for climbing and Velcro items like spy glasses so he can use them. The Bat cycle is made of cardboard and duct tape completely. There … Read more

Coolest Homemade Baby Jack in the Box Costume

Homemade Baby Jack in the Box Costume

This is our first costume for our youngest, Jack. We’ve set a theme of costumes with Jack in the name and intend to stick with it until he’s old enough to throw a fit. I hope the tantrums come soon, because I’m running out of ideas. The only idea I have left is, well, a … Read more

Coolest Homemade Bamm Bamm Baby Costume

Homemade Bamm Bamm Baby Costume

My son has had the nickname Bamm Bamm since he was born. Both my husband and I are not very big so when my son was born almost nine pounds and remained in the 95% of his age it didn’t take long for him to acquire his nickname. With his adventurous attitude and blond hair … Read more

Coolest Homemade Etrade Baby Costume

Homemade Etrade Baby Costume

We love the E*Trade baby commercials and we decided to dress our 11 month old son in a Homemade Etrade Baby Costume. At first when we thought of the idea I was a little worried not enough people would understand. But I was definitely wrong, it was a big hit and everyone thought our son … Read more