Awesome Homemade Huge T-Rex Costume

I built a 13′ long 7′ tall T-Rex costume after being inspired by classic Jurassic Park and a YouTube video where a dinosaur scares people coming elevators. It has an aluminum backpack and neck linkage system. That allows me to control the head (twist/nod/pan) with handlebars inside. Bike cables allow me to chomp the mouth. … Read more

Awesome Homemade 9 Costume With Detailed DIY Instructions

9 costume

When I finally decided that I would make a 9 costume, I was a bit nervous about it. I like to pick characters that I think will be fun and challenging. But when I shared my idea with some family and friends, I was shocked that nobody knew who 9 was. I was afraid that … Read more

Hilarious Homemade Ghost of Jerry Garcia Costume

For the longest time I have wanted to do a twist on the traditional bed sheet ghost costume and here it is…The Ghost of Jerry Garcia. I used white fabric and a tie dye kit for the main part. I bought a Santa wig and beard (and trimmed the beard). I added 2 skeletal hands … Read more

Cool Homemade Zombie Bellhop Costume

This costume was inspired by the show Faceoff. His dresser part and hat is made with EVA foam (which was actually a floor mat from home depot). I used a chef jacket underneath and paired it with black pants. The dresser part (EVA foam) I cut it to form to his body. I used a heat gun … Read more

Amazing Homemade King Tut Costume

I have been making my son’s Halloween costumes since he was a baby. Every year we think about what he should be. And, every year it gets more challenging and exciting. This year we decided on King Tut after reading some books on ancient Egyptian history. My son loved the story of King Tut being … Read more

Awesome Homemade Futurama Bender Costume

bender costume

My 9 year old son was determined to have a Bender costume for Halloween. In addition, he had a lot of input as to how he wanted his costume designed. It took approximately 15 to 20 hours to make over a two month period. Bender made his debut in the Atlanta Five Points Halloween Parade, … Read more

Adorable DIY Toddler Ace Venture Pet Detective Costume

BLUE! 42! BLUE! 42! HUT! HUT! Ace Ventura Pet Detective is taken over by Hunter Easton this year. He’s got the lines down as he parades around town showing off his AMAZING costume. Hunter is four years old and his personality overflows in this costume. This has been a huge hit, on social network and … Read more

Coolest Genie in a Lamp Costume

My Grandson wanted to be a Genie for Halloween. I made a black skirt and put blue lights on it the covered it with fake spider webs to give a smoke look. I sewed on trim to the shirt. I made the vest out of gold fabric. Finally, he was painted all blue!

Cool Homemade Scorpion Mortal Kombat Halloween Costume

mortal kombat halloween costume

So my 8 year old Gavin is an avid gamer and decided he just had to be his favorite character Scorpion for a Mortal Kombat Halloween costume. Me, a bit intimidated by the elaborate get up worn by the character, decided I’d give it a shot. DIY Mortal Kombat Halloween Costume Creation The Tabard First thing … Read more

Adorably Evil Joker Costume

We bought a medium scrub top to make the nurse dress, printed out a vote for Dent sticker for the uniform, and used makeup and green hairspray. This costume is easy to do and made him one cool Joker. Our son wanted to be Joker and it went along with his brother’s costumes, his little … Read more

Awesome Homemade Haunter Pokemon Costume

haunter pokemon costume

I made my 6 year old son a Haunter Pokemon costume out of 1-inch craft foam glued together and carved. In addition, I also carved and cut out the eyes and mouth.Then I covered the costume in quilt batting and painted it. The eyes glow by using floral LED lights behind a 1/2 inch piece … Read more

Coolest DIY Ghostbusters Costumes for Halloween

My twins love everything Ghostbusters, so, their costume choice was a no brainer!  I used a white sweatsuit dyed with fabric dye.  (This took several tries and I ended up with a lot of different pairs of pants in varying shades of pink!) The “proton packs” are made from boxes with odds and ends attached … Read more