Coolest DIY Child Sea Monster Costume

child sea monster costume

Here is my son, the Sea Monster. Once he has this costume on, he does become a Sea Monster! He runs and growls, and makes sudden appearances on unsuspecting family members! The idea of becoming Sea Monster was his. It is in his heart and soul (loves to swim, dive, and cliff jump). I made … Read more

Adorable Homemade Baby Pharaoh Costume for Halloween

baby pharaoh costume

This is my 5 month old son Lincoln’s first Halloween. I got the idea for his costume a few months ago when my husband asked for a burp cloth. I tossed it at him and it landed on my son’s head in the perfect approximation of an Egyptian headdress. Thus, his baby Pharaoh costume was born. … Read more

Deliciously Healthy Salad Costume

best salad costume

Committed to Costumes The commitment to homemade costumes runs in my family. Growing up as kids, my sister and I had the luxury of picking anything that popped up in our mind and having it magically manifest into fruition. Made by the world’s coolest dad. The start of October came and my dad and I … Read more

Awesome Transformers Costume DIY Transforming Optimus Prime

transformers costume diy

Transformers Costume DIY Halloween Project Without any outside influence, my son used to play pretend that he could transform like a Transformer. The idea’s been done before, but not as I have. What sets mine apart from the other transforming costumes is that it can transform from vehicle to robot mode in seconds. You too … Read more

Adorable Homemade Squirrel Costume

adorable squirrel costume

Turning our Toddler into Squirrel Boy Coming up with the squirrel costume idea: Breakfast time at the Dempsey house usually consists of three things for our son Garrison; yogurt, cheerios and watching the squirrels frolic and play. Garrison’s high chair sits adjacent to a large window in our kitchen and he is able to see … Read more

Cool LED Mr. Roboto Android Costume

I came up with the idea to make a costume that stood out at night. It is illuminated by “El Wire” LED lights. The shoes, the mask, the jacket, and knee protectors all light up. The items were bought online and the assembled separately. It took 25 hours to sew the lights on using clear … Read more

Awesome DIY Magic Butterfly Costume

This costume is made of Hoola-hoops, Bed Sheets, 20 meters of LED ws2811 (computer controlled) strip (tape) lights.  It has a total of 800 LED’s on it and takes a specially modified 20,000Mah power-pack (like you buy to recharge a cell-phone) to run for about an hour. (So I carried 5 other batteries as swap-out’s … Read more

Coolest DIY Poe Dameron and his X-Wing Star Wars Costume

It all started when my son wanted to be Poe Dameron.  Then I got to thinking that it would be cool to have an X-Wing to go with his Poe costume.  That’s about as much thought I gave it, other than mentioning it to my son. Right before Halloween he asked when his X-Wing would … Read more

Coolest DIY Marvin The Martian Halloween Costume

marvin the martian halloween costume

I gravitate towards full body costumes. I have fun being immersed in the identity and personality of a character. For a short time every year, I get to use my imagination and play dress up without it being totally weird. I decided on a Marvin the Martian Halloween costume. In regard to fabrication, I like … Read more

Cutest Homemade Little Gumball Machine

I bought an acrylic dome that is used for security cameras that are mounted on the ceiling. I filled it with sponge balls used for magic tricks. Then I placed white felt on the back to enclose the balls. The bottom part of the machine is made of red felt. It has suspenders on it … Read more

Awesome Mexican Wall Costume With Señor Trump Sign

Awesome Mexican Wall Costume

When deciding what costume to wear this year, my son wanted to find something topical and instantly recognizable. He was inspired by current President Donald Trump and immediately thought of a Mexican Wall costume. My son keeps up with politics and came across an online meme of the Mexican Wall.  We knew this was the idea … Read more

Coolest Kids Gyarados Pokemon Costume

Gyarados Pokemon Costume

My decision to make a Gyarados Pokemon costume was a no-brainer. Our oldest son just started first grade and is absolutely obsessed with PokemonGo. As a result, it gives us something fun to do together every few days!  Gyarados is a pretty cool pokemon so I agreed to try to make him this Gyarados Pokemon costume. … Read more