Star Wars: Han Solo’s Blaster Costume

Han Solo's blaster costume

With the release of the latest Star Wars movie last December I was reminded of my facination with the series as a kid. I had always been most fascinated with Han Solo’s blaster. So I decided make my version of Han Solo’s blaster costume. For materials: I did not have any overarching plan. Rather, I … Read more

Awesome Realistic Toddler Army Tank Costume

Awesome Army Tank Costume

When your son’s dream is to have an army tank costume, you get to work. After I completely scraped two tank tries, I got it right with this one! Materials for the army tank costume: I utilized a 5 by 3 foot industrial cardboard, a lot of Gorilla Glue, Gorilla Tape, and spray adhesive in … Read more

Cool Edward Scissorhands Costume for a Boy

Cool Edward Scissorhands costume

My three year old son Bodi loves the movie Edward Scissorhands and wanted an Edward Scissorhands costume. It is his kid repeat movie. (Anyone who has kids or was a kid knows what a repeat movie is.) I’m just happy his is a Tim Burton movie that I love and don’t mind watching over and over. Bodi … Read more

Cool Prince Purple Rain Costume

As a huge Prince fan, I wanted to make sure I got all the details perfect. Starting at the bottom: black velvet stretch pants with half-V front panel with buttons.  A total of 21 buttons highlight the front half-V and down the sides of the pants. The shirt has long sleeves with ruffled cuffs, high … Read more

Awesome DIY Groot Costume from Guardians of the Galaxy

This year i wanted to do something big… and what’s bigger than Groot? Hours after inception of this wonderful idea i was at the hardware store buying copious amounts of insulation foam (I’m talking as much as I could physically carry!) Once I got home I began digging through my drawers for some sacrificial pants … Read more

Top 13 DIY Funny Adult Halloween Costumes for Men

funny adult Halloween costumes

From downright shocking to ROFL hilarious, these funny adult Halloween costumes will be the topic of water cooler conversations for days, or even weeks, after Halloween. There’s no doubt you’ll be the center of attention when you walk into a party dressed in one of these outfits. Talk about breaking the ice. There are no … Read more

Adorable Baby Pinata Costume

Adorable Baby Pinata Costume

Costumes are kind of a big deal in our home. My husband and I go to 2-3 costume parties a year, and I always make them. They are usually pretty fabulous, so the bar was set high for our baby’s first Halloween. We thought up and dismissed several ideas before we settled on a baby … Read more

Cutest Combine Harvester Driver Costume

Cutest Combine Harvester Driver Costume

This is Parker, age 4, wearing his Minneapolis Moline Combine Harvester Costume. Parker is a 5th generation lover and collector of Minneapolis Moline tractors and implements. These tractors were sold from the early 1900’s through 1972. Our family sold these tractors back in the day and have now become collectors of this antique heirloom. Parker, … Read more

Cool Pat Sajak Costume

Cool Pat Sajak Costume

Being Pat Sajak was entirely my son’s idea. He’s been obsessed with Wheel of Fortune since he was a baby. When I warned him that some of the kids at school wouldn’t know who he was, I gave him the option of wearing a “back up” costume to school, so he wouldn’t spend the whole … Read more

Coolest Darth Vader and Ship Costume

Coolest Darth Vader and Ship Costume

My son is wheelchair bound and loves to participate with other kids. He loves dressing for Halloween. We try to make his costume a spectacular one. This year he wanted to be Darth Vader, so we put on our thinking caps and we built a ship to fit over his wheelchair. That made one little … Read more

Cool Ghost Busters Symbol Costume

Cool Ghost Busters Symbol Costume

I Made this Ghost busters ‘no-ghost’ symbol costume 5 years ago for my son. We first purchased a cheep dollar store hula hoop. Then we cut out cardboard pieces in a circle shape and two long cardboard strips to cover the hoop from both sides (like a sandwich). We made the middle piece the same way … Read more

Cool Jack Skellington Costume

Coolest Jack Skellington Costume

My company had a Halloween themed party this year and I was so excited about it. My husband and I debated what we would be this year as he normally doesn’t like to dress up, but he saw my excitement and got into the spirit. Making the Jack Skellington costume After we came up with the idea for the … Read more