Coolest Kid’s Haunted Castle Costume

Coolest Kid's Haunted Castle Costume

Why do I always ask my son (He’s 8 now) “What do you want to be for Halloween?” You would think that I would have learned that he wants to be something challenging. Well in his defence this year he did say something generic when I first asked him. I don’t even remember what. Ninja? … Read more

Beast Boy From Teen Titans Costume

Beast Boy From Teen Titans Costume

First, I bought a black unitard. Then I got a pink biketard(to go over the black unitard). It was almost impossible to find a perfect one. It had to be sleeveless, have a turtleneck, and be the right color. My gloves I just bought at walmart and then super glued strips of electrical tape on … Read more

So Your Child Wants To Be a Juicy, Juicy Pear

So Your Child Wants To Be a Juicy, Juicy Pear

Last Father’s Day, while enjoying dinner out, our three-year old son announced to the table of strangers eating next to us that he was going to be a pear for Halloween. “Oh, that’s nice dear, a bear.” the elderly woman said to our son with an encouraging smile. “No, not a bear, a pear! A … Read more

Its Time to Haunt

Its Time to Haunt

I had a really hard time coming up with a costume idea this year, which, I’m sure is common for most. But this year, I really wanted to go above and beyond the average norm. I wanted to scare people out of their shoes, I wanted to make this year a memira le one for … Read more

Oh Dear? Oh Deere, My Little John Deere

Oh Dear? Oh Deere, My Little John Deere

First of all I think Halloween 2016, I will look for a costume that I can actually buy in the store. This is Logan. He is an enthusiastic 2 and a half almost 3-year-old little guy who is obsessed with not just tractors, but Green John Deere tractors. When Logan told me that he wanted … Read more

Toddler’s Construction Worker and Digger Costume

Toddler's Construction Worker and Digger Costume

My son loves his “diggers” – any and all construction vehicles. We knew he would love to dress up as a construction worker, and wanted to be able to pull him in his wagon when he got tired. So a quick inspirational search on Pinterest, and we began collecting materials over the past few weeks! The … Read more

Transforming Bumblebee Costume

Transforming Bumblebee Costume

Our 8 year old son announce in August that dad and i needed to make a transformer bumble bee costume that would transform. After searching for online plans in vain, we began creating our own design. After many failed attempts we finally found one that worked. Foam core posterboards, 2 rolls of duct tape, a … Read more

Coolest Angler Fish in a Aquarium Costume

Coolest Angler Fish in a Aquarium Costume

My son, Blake, asked to be a fish tank for Halloween this year. He is a fish hobbyist. He has a 55 gallon fish tank in his room that he loves dearly! I’m sure that is where his idea came from. The Angler Fish was inspired from the movie, “Finding Nemo”. We decided he was … Read more

Stay Puft (Mini) Marshmallow Man Costume

Stay Puft (Mini) Marshmallow Man Costume

I was more than delighted when my four year old asked me in spring if he could be the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man for Halloween. Immediately after his first time watching, he knew he needed to be that monster. As summer went on, his choice never waivered and his plan grew. He came up with … Read more

Glowing Ghost Costume for a Child

Glowing Ghost Costume for a Child

My 6 1/2 year boy designed this ghost costume. He said he wanted light on it to appear as if he was floating in the dark. I made the costume using 8 layers of Tutu fabric and a set of LED lights. It is pretty simple to make. I cut the tutu in squares and … Read more

Scratch Built Gremlins 2 Mogwai Costume

Scratch Built Gremlins 2 Mogwai Costume

This Halloween I decided to honor one of the greatest Cinematic Masterpieces in the history of film. Gremlins 2! While most people love the good guy, I opted not to create the soft and cuddley hero of the franchise. Instead of crafting Gizmo, I went with the main baddy of the film, Mowhawk! The fur costume … Read more

Killer Candy Robot 3000 Costume

Killer Candy Robot 3000 Costume

I am an 11-year-old boy who loves to make stuff with electronics and programming. This year for Halloween, I decided to make a robot costume. This robot costume that took me about 4 weeks to make, most of the time was soldering and programming/testing the microcontroller code. This costume has 4 microcontrollers inside (2 in … Read more