Coolest Spaceballs Barf Costume

The frame for the tail was a thick plastic hose, the end split for about two inches to allow for fixing it to the \"butt patch\" that pins on the

The frame for the tail of this Spaceballs Barf costume was a thick plastic hose, the end split for about two inches to allow for fixing it to the “butt patch” that pins on the back of the cargo pants. Covering that is a shaped piece of long shaggy fur, shaded with Halloween hair spray. … Read more

Coolest Kat Von D Costume

None of the tattoos shown in the pictures are mine. I bought several random temporary tattoos, and also made some of my own. You can buy temp tattoo

None of the tattoos shown in the pictures are mine. I bought several random temporary tattoos, and also made some of my own. You can buy temp tattoo paper and use your home printer. I studied many pictures of Kat Von D and downloaded clip art, trying to be as accurate as possible. A friend … Read more

Coolest Cat Homemade Costume

I made this cool cat ballet costume for my 10-year old daughter\'s choreography competition.
I cut out the breast piece, fur cuffs and \"skirt\

I made this cool cat costume for my 10-year old daughter’s choreography competition. I cut out the breast piece, fur cuffs and “skirt” from fake fur and then sewed it onto the leotard. A tip when working with the fake fur: when you have cut your pieces go around the edges with a zig-zag stitch, … Read more

Coolest Cat Costume

This costume was made for a Pet Palooza event at the library I work at. It took about 4 weeks to completely finish.
I sewed the bodysuit and hand pa

This cat costume was made for a Pet Palooza event at the library I work at. It took about 4 weeks to completely finish. I sewed the bodysuit and hand painted it with reds, black and white fabric paint (same goes for the gloves). Easiest way to paint it was to stuff the bodysuit with … Read more

Coolest DIY Bird Costume

I made the bird nose out of paper clay so it was light enough to spirit glue to my face. Stayed all night though it was a little difficult to drink.

I made the bird nose out of paper clay so it was light enough to spirit glue to my face. Stayed all night though it was a little difficult to drink. I kept the eyebrows as separate pieces so I could be expressive, they were felt semi-circles I hot glued feathers to and made a … Read more

Coolest Pot of Gold Maternity Costume

I was going to my niece’s costume birthday party and had to think of something other than a pregnant fairy. I decided to become a Pot O’ Gold at the end of the rainbow! I already owned a black shirt, I then used a rolled up black tank top as the rim of the ‘pot’ … Read more

Coolest Handmade Wonder Woman Costume

I've always wanted to be Wonder Woman for Halloween. I told myself if I could get to my goal weight which would mean loosing 80lbs, I could be Won

I’ve always wanted to be Wonder Woman for Halloween. I told myself if I could get to my goal weight which would mean loosing 80lbs, I could be Wonder Woman! It took me over a year to loose the weight but soon as I did I began my quest for a Wonder Woman costume that … Read more

Coolest No-Sew Wonder Woman Costume

Coolest No-Sew Wonder Woman Costume

Here is my head-to-toe rundown of how I made my *NO SEW Wonder Woman costume.  (*no machine sewing, but some hand stitching. The hand stitching could easily be replaced by using Liquid Stitch.) The Hair: I hummed and  hawed about buying the wig, but it definitely adds to the look of the costume, especially since … Read more

Coolest Incredibles Costume

I needed a costume for work (I'm a preschool teacher at a church). Straddling the line of appropriate, recognizable by preschoolers, and still cute

I needed a costume for work (I’m a preschool teacher at a church). Straddling the line of appropriate, recognizable by preschoolers, and still cute is a challenge, but I was able to come up with a perfect costume this year. Elastic Girl was a perfect choice. All I used was  a regular red long sleeve … Read more

Cute Oscar the Grouch Costume

I spotted the perfect Oscar the grouch color blanket and set about making a costume. The head was made out of duct tape and wire, then I glue gunned

I spotted the perfect Oscar the grouch color blanket and set about making a costume. The head was made out of duct tape and wire, then I glue gunned the blanket fabric on. The top of Oscar was the remains of the blanket, and the can was two hoops and a silver table cloth that … Read more

Coolest Lady Gaga New Year Costume

I got idea from Lady Gaga\'s Hello Kitty dress. First, I choose one old black dress and a lot of stuffed toys wich I\'ve got from my friends. I p

I got the idea for this Lady Gaga costume from a Lady Gaga’s Hello Kitty dress. First, I choose one old black dress and a lot of stuffed toys which I’ve got from my friends. I put toys on the dress using thread and needle. It tooks me a few hours. I bought a wig … Read more

Coolest Redbull Can Costume

I bought the blue and silver material from a fabric store. Then I printed out pictures of a Redbull can to go by. I then measured how wide and long I

I bought the blue and silver material from a fabric store. Then I printed out pictures of a Redbull can to go by. I then measured how wide and long I needed the dress to be. I then cut the fabric at the angles I needed , after many tries I finally got it right. … Read more