Original Mad Hattress Costume Idea

After seeing Tim Burton\\\'s Alice in Wonderland I knew I wanted to be the crazy Mad Hatter for halloween. I started off by taping off vertical s

After seeing Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland I knew I wanted to be the crazy Mad Hatter for Halloween. I started off by taping off vertical stripes on an old green dress. I painted the skirt of the dress purple, so that when the tape was removed there would be green and purple stripes. I … Read more

Cool and Easy-to-Make Edward Scissorhands Costume

Hi, My name is hadar ,i am  28 years old and i am from israel.
Since i was a little girl i loved that movie- edward scissors hand and always wa

My name is Hadar ,I am  28 years old and I am from Israel. Since I was a little girl I loved that movie Edward Scissors Hand and always wanted to make my own costume and didn’t know how. This is how you can make this costume very easily: one black  turtle neck shirt (which … Read more

Great Homemade Edward Scissorhands and the Bush Couples Costume

Every year Halloween just sneaks up on me..I plan and plan and plan, and somehow I am always scrambling to finish my costume.."just in time". 

Every year Halloween just sneaks up on me. I plan and plan and plan, and somehow I am always scrambling to finish my costume..”just in time”.  Three years ago, I was dating someone who I felt would make the perfect Edward Scissorhands, he agreed to the costume and the planning began. I wanted to make … Read more

Coolest Homemade Child’s Oompa Loompa Costume

My son had a rough october last year.  His sister was due to arrive in a matter of weeks, he was going through a horrible experience with some u

My son had a rough October last year. His sister was due to arrive in a matter of weeks, he was going through a horrible experience with some unkind daycare workers and he was sick all the time. There were many life changes coming his way with the arrival of his baby sister and he … Read more

Coolest Oompa Loompa Couple Costume

We went to Goodwill to get pants and shirts, gloves, colored hairspray and face paint from Walmart, suspenders I had to get online (couldn't find th

For our Oompa Loompa Couple costume we went to Goodwill to get pants and shirts, gloves, colored hairspray and face paint from Walmart, suspenders I had to get online (couldn’t find them anywhere in town).  The socks, we just bought brown socks and brown shirts and painted on the stripes. My husband even downloaded the … Read more

Awesome Mad Hatter Costume

Everything except the wig was bought from a thrift store or from home. I made the robe using a bath robe from our Salvation army to which I added rib

Everything except the wig was bought from a thrift store or from home. I made the robe using a bath robe from our Salvation army to which I added ribbons to the pockets and lace to the sleeves. The thread sash was made using old wooden spools to which I added threads of various colors … Read more

Coolest DIY Edward Scissorhands Costume for a Man

I first started with my costume. I found it on ebay for $30 bucks...only problem is it was an xxl and a mens.  Im 5"5" and 130 so i had to tak

I first started with my Edward Scissorhands Costume. I found it on eBay for $30 bucks…only problem is it was an XXL  and a men’s.  I’m 5″5″ and 130 so I had to take it in a lot!   Second was my makeup. I watched tutorials after tutorials to get rid of my eyebrows. After … Read more

Coolest Sweeney Todd and Mrs. Lovett Costume

The Sweeney Todd movie just came out so my boyfriend and I knew exactly who we wanted to be for Halloween. Everything that you see was bought at a th

The Sweeney Todd movie just came out so my boyfriend and I knew exactly who we wanted to be for Halloween. Everything that you see was bought at a thrift store and altered. Sweeney Todd: basic white shirt, black cloth tied like an old fashion tie, a red vest that we found and turned inside … Read more

Coolest Homemade Edward Scissorhands Costume

My then 6 year old decided he wanted to be Edward Scissorhands for this past Halloween. After hours of searching online for a costume in his size, I

My then 6 year old decided he wanted an Edward Scissorhands costume for this past Halloween. After hours of searching online for a costume in his size, I realized I would have to take on the task of making it myself. I started by going to the fabric store and purchasing a few yards of … Read more

Coolest Oompa Loompa Costume for a Couple

Oompa Loompa Costume

I made this Oompa Loompa costume for my girls this year using a combination of tips found on this site. The pants were purchased at the thrift store in women’s size 24. I then sewed the legs and waist to a smaller size, leaving the hips large like the Oompa Loompas. I bought white material … Read more

Cute Homemade Oompa Loompa Costume for a Boy

Homemade Oompa Loompa Costume

I made this Oompa Loompa costume from scratch, using white fabric and mostly hot glue. I sewed the pants together, cutting out the pattern based on the measurements of my son. The straps for the overalls were the last thing I sewed on. I cut up a striped store-bought scarf to make the stripes on … Read more

Coolest Homemade Oompa Loompa Halloween Costumes

Homemade Oompa Loompa Halloween Costumes

I asked my 3 year old what he was going to be for Halloween. He told me an “Oompa Loompa!” I immediately said “Oh yeah?” like where am I going to get a costume like this? After learning you can’t buy a pattern for this I had drew (with a sharpie) on the fabric the … Read more