Coolest Homemade Willy Wonka Costume

Homemade Willy Wonka Costume

Since I am a huge fan of all things Johnny Depp, I decided to make a Homemade Willy Wonka Costume this year. I bought my coat for $8 at a thrift store and borrowed the black pants and shoes from my mom. I made the hat with cardboard and an old shirt. The cane was … Read more

Original DIY Edward Scissorhands Costume

Homemade Edward Scissorhands Costume

To make this Homemade Edward Scissorhands Costume for my 9 year old son I headed to a couple of local thrift stores to purchase a leather jacket & several belts and to Home Depot for some furniture nails, rings and washers. First I cut the jacket’s sides, arms and wrists and sewed them with an … Read more

Coolest Oompa Loompa Halloween Costume

Willy Wonka and Oompa Loompa

This Oompa Loompa Halloween costume is completely homemade. I am not sure the cost of it all, I gathered things as I went. The Oompa Loompa shirt is just a brown turtle neck with puffy paint stripes. The shoes I got from Target and safety pinned a puff ball with puffy painted stripes on to … Read more

Coolest Homemade No Sew Oompa Loompa Costumes

Homemade No Sew Oompa Loompa Costumes

My husband and I were invited to a Charlie & the Chocolate Factory Theme Party. The hosts sent out brilliant invitations which were chocolate bars which had been decorated with printed “Wonka Bar” wrappers and each contained a golden ticket under the wrapper. We decided to attend as “Homemade No Sew Oompa Loompa Costumes”. Our … Read more

Coolest Homemade Oompa Loompa Halloween Costume

Homemade Oompa Loompa Halloween Costume

I was able to convince my two year old son that he had to be a Willy Wonka Oompa Loompa for Halloween this year. I showed him the moves and he loved the idea, on most days. For this homemade Oompa Loompa Halloween costume, I purchased a large pair of girls Capri white jeans two … Read more

Coolest Ooompa Loompa DIY Halloween Costume

Homemade Ooompa Loompa DIY Halloween Costume

Last year everyone at my office came up with amazing homemade costumes. Kate (from Kate plus 8), Richard Simmons, and even a sumo wrestler, so this year I knew I had to bring it. I decided to make an Ooompa Loompa DIY Halloween Costume. I went to the local second hand store and purchased a … Read more

Original Homemade Edward Scissorhands Costume

Coolest Edward Scissorhands Costume

For this Coolest Edward Scissorhands Costume I got fake leather material from the fabric store along with a shirt pattern and a leggings pattern and sewed a plain pleather shirt and pants. I attached the shiny collar and sleeves from a rain jacket I got from the thrift store, I just cut them off and … Read more