Coolest Homemade Then and Now She-Ra Costumes

Homemade Then and Now She-Ra Costumes

She-ra is my all time favorite cartoon character and always has been. This is me as She-ra circa 1992 and in 2008. My mom made the first costume from scratch. The costume I made started with a purchased white skirt and bustier. To that I added gold lame’ (ironed on to a stiff interfacing) pieces … Read more

Coolest Homemade Skeletor Costume Idea

Coolest Homemade Skeletor Costume Ideas

Originally was going to do Thundercats but kept seeing the skull mask in different stores. Going off the theme of a childhood cartoon I chose Skeletor and Evil Lynn, a masters of the universe costume. The mask is the only item bought and worn as is. It was the foam kind that glued down to … Read more

Coolest Skeletor Costume

Homemade Skeletor Costume

I was Skeletor, pretty sick huh? The blue is fat lady sweats I got from Walmart and had a friend sew them skin tight, the purple is material I bought at Walmart and cut-‘n-sewed myself. The face of the Skeletor Costume is prosthetic latex mask glued to my face. Boots are work boots painted purple … Read more

Coolest She Ra Princess of Power Costume

Homemade She Ra Princess of Power Costume

I looked around forever for a She Ra Princess of Power Costume because she was my childhood hero. I could find one no where and only found sites with costumes that just did not seem life like enough for me! So, I decided to craft one myself. I bought a slipdress in white and used … Read more

Cool Homemade She-Ra and He-Man Couple Costume

Homemade She-Ra and He-Man Couple Costume

I made this Homemade She-Ra and He-Man Couple Costume myself. I am not a GREAT seamstress. I made these two costumes with the minimal amount of sewing and mostly piecing together the right materials. Please contact me with questions.

Coolest Homemade He Man and She Ra Couple Costume

Homemade He Man and She Ra Couple Costume

My boyfriend and I love Halloween but I refuse to ever buy a costume from a store. We both love 80’s TV, and we both happened to love He-Man and She-Ra as kids, so we figured why not do a couples costume and live out our childhood dreams! Here is how we made the Homemade … Read more

Coolest Homemade She-Ra and He-Man Couple Costume

Homemade She-Ra and He-Man Couple Costume

I grew up watching these classic Saturday morning cartoons while I played with my He-man and She-Ra action figures! When I discovered that these costumes weren’t sold in any stores, I was excited because I knew we wouldn’t likely run into anyone else wearing the same costumes. I made my She-Ra head piece out of … Read more

Coolest Homemade He Man Toddler Costume

Homemade He Man Toddler Costume

I made this Homemade He Man Toddler Costume for my 14 month old. I wanted to make something unique and my first thought was He-Man. I used felt and canvas material to make it. Total costume included chest plate, wrist guards, boot covers, diaper cover, sword scabbard and a plastic sword. It took less then … Read more

Coolest Homemade He Man Master of the Universe Costume

Homemade He Man  Master of the Universe Costume

The entire He Man Master of the Universe costume was made by hand. I researched the character and drew out my design. The fur was the easy part; I cut out the pieces for the boots and the loin cloth and, with a little help from my mom, we sewed all the pieces together. The … Read more

Coolest Homemade Skeletor Halloween Costume

Homemade Skeletor Halloween Costume

This year my son and I had aspired to create the ultimate costume. After careful collaboration we concluded that one of the greatest villans to ever wreak havoc, with a sinister look was none other than SKELETOR, from Mattels’ Masters of the universe. We decided to make the end result of our Homemade Skeletor Halloween … Read more

Cool Homemade Skeletor Halloween Costume

Homemade Skeletor Halloween Costume

My Skeletor Halloween Costume was basically some old Halloween costume pieces and clothing I had laying around the house. Some things were purchased at a Halloween store (the shoulder pad, bones, and skull belt piece) then I just spray painted purple and once it dried I spray painted over in black very lightly giving it … Read more

Coolest Homemade Skeletor Costume

Homemade Skeletor Costume

I decided to create a homemade Skeletor costume since I had a reputation among my friends of usually having the best costume. I really think I out did myself this time though. I searched the internet for various more detailed photos of Skeletor so I could use as a reference. Once I found a couple … Read more