Coolest Dog the Bounty Hunter and Beth Costumes

Homemade Dog the Bounty Hunter and Beth Costumes

We decided to go for the Homemade Dog the Bounty Hunter and Beth Costumes since our boys love the show, and I am short and full figured and my husband is tall. We went to our local thrift store and found the vest, shirt, and pants for dog, and some Indian looking beading for his … Read more

Coolest Swamp People Costume

Homemade Swamp People Costume

This Homemade Swamp People Costume is a very simple costume portraying the characters of History Channel’s “Swamp People”, Bruce, Liz & Troy. Most of the items we already had around the house. We just added a few items to complete the look…Bruce’s doorag, Troy’s shirt, the inflatable alligator. We had a wig from last year … Read more

Coolest Homemade Dog and Beth Chapman Costumes

Homemade Dog and Beth Chapman Costumes

These Homemade Dog and Beth Chapman Costumes were fun costumes. I actually got the idea from this website. We started by purchasing our wigs at Walmart and our local Halloween store. Then we went to a thrift store to get my plain black dress and a vest for DOG. I should also mention that a … Read more

Coolest Homemade Snookie from Jersey Shore Costume Idea

Homemade Snookie from Jersey Shore Costume

I’m a hairdresser and I was given a black wig and was told come up with some sort of idea, theme and make it work. I decided to go for a Snookie from Jersey Shore Costume Idea. I’m in love this show! And I love her. I knew how to ac, talk and walk, so … Read more

Coolest Billy the Exterminator Costume

Homemade Billy the Exterminator Costume

My son loves Billy the Exterminator, so for Halloween we thought why not let him be Billy for a day (minus Billy’s potty mouth). This Homemade Billy the Exterminator Costume was created from a simple pirate costume, this gave me the pattern for the pants and the vest. I sewed the pants and the vest … Read more

Coolest Dog the Bounty Hunter and Beth Costume

Dog the Bounty Hunter and Beth Costume

For our Dog the Bounty hunter and Beth costumes, we bought all of the clothes and shoes from thrift stores. The leather vest, black jeans and black boots were purchased for Dog. A plain black t-shirt (I cut the edges and added beads, then tied knots at the end for a real 80’s look), hideous … Read more