Sassy Sub Zero Costume with a Female Twist

Sassy Subzero Costume with a Female Twist

I always loved the Mortal Kombat games growing up, so I decided that I should pay tribute to my favorite childhood game. Sub Zero was an easy choice for my homemade costume! I found an old child’s costume lying around, so it was time to become inspired and creative. I cut up that old ninja … Read more

Epic Cleopsis Eater of Death Costume – Entirely Homemade!

Cleopsis, Eater of death costume!

This year my daughter, Harmony, who is 13 yrs old. She wanted to be something Egyptian but still wanted to be something unique for Halloween, so, we searched the internet for different ideas and she saw a Cleopsis statue and just loved it! So, I said , “Sure, that’ll be cool!” little did I realize … Read more

Great Homemade Wall-E and Eve Costumes

wall-e theme costumes in 2 weeks

Two weeks before Halloween, my 5 year old son decided wanted to be WALL-E. After searching the Internet for costumes, I decided it was impossible to buy one (as the movie was older) and so construction began. After trial and error it started coming along nicely.  WALL-E was made paper mache, cardboard, lots of ductape, … Read more

Artistice Homemade Maria Franz Tribute to Heilung Costume

Maria Franz; a tribute to Heilung

Here’s the end result of multiple all nighters and classic rock binges! The Maria Franz costume was a combination of sketching, sewing, painting, and sculpting; all entirely completed by hand. The antlers were created using an aluminum base with nails and wire for support. A sealed layer of tape was then applied in addition to … Read more

Shiny DIY Baseball Trophy Costume for a Boy

Shiny DIY Baseball Trophy Costume for a Boy

This trophy costume is one of the easiest costumes we have done. We already had everything since my son has played sport’s. We went with baseball trophy. We used an old uniform, spray painted it gold. For his hands and face we purchased some gold face paint Amazon for less than $10 bucks. The base … Read more

Cool Homemade Davey Jones Costume

Davey Jones

I created my favorite character, Davey Jones from the Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man’s Chest movie. I created the costume by sculpting from clay and making a slush mold to pour liquid latex into. The costume tentacles were created individually and added before air brushing. I am currently wearing the costume, and Davey’s heart … Read more

Coolest DIY Plastic Toy Soldiers Group Costume

toy Soldiers/Army men

This was my family’s Halloween costume for our annual party. My husband and I are both Air Force military vets so we saw this fitting. For months our family of 5 searched second hand stores, yard sales and flea markets to find old fatigues, belts and military what nots. Then came the paint… We painted, … Read more

Cutest Lil’ Scuba Diver Costume for a Baby

Cutest Lil' SCUBA diver: "Charley the Chum Chaser"

For nine month old Charley Paige, the BEST part of the day is bath-time! It’s no wonder, her Mom and Dad are both SCUBA divers, beach lovers, boaters and ocean seekers. Charley hasn’t been able to go to the beach, yet, (thanks Pandemic) so to cope, her absolute favorite thing to do is wade in … Read more

Coolest Homemade Mac-N-Cheeze Costume for a Boy


My son loves Mac and cheese so he wanted to be it for Halloween. I got a laundry basket size small from the dollar tree near me. Next, I covered the basket with blue felt. then I cut out the words Mac-N-Cheeze in yellow felt and hot glued them to the basket. Then I took … Read more

Cool Homemade Sonic, Knuckles and Tales Paper Mache Costumes

Homemade Paper Mache Sonic, Knuckles and Tales

As a kid, my husband and I both grew up with families that loved to celebrate Halloween. His family appreciated the art of designing costumes and my family, well we just liked candy! Jason warned me the day would come when Halloween would become a full blown art competition in our household as our boys … Read more

Socially Distanced Popcorn Costume

Socially Distanced Popcorn

For my socially distanced popcorn costume I use foam board, stripped fabric, pillow filler, acrylic paint, and popcorn. I’m a healthcare worker who lost many residents to Covid-19. My goal was to bring joy to my remaining coworkers and residents.

Sexy Dumpster Fire Costume Inspired by 2020 Meme

2020 Sexy Dumpster Fire Costume

The year 2020 has been such a hot mess, a meme of a dumpster fire with the year 2020 on it has been circulating the internet. Halloween is my favorite holiday and I go all out creating my costumes, but they are with a twist. I seek out the most unconventional ideas and then make … Read more