Easy Ms. Pacman and Ghost Couple Costume

I wanted something creative and easy for a Halloween costume... But also something NO ONE ELSE would have. I loved pacman as a kid and thought to mys

I wanted something creative and easy for a Halloween costume. But also something NO ONE ELSE would have. I loved Pacman as a kid and thought to myself, “How awesome would it be to have a bunch of ghosts follow Pacman/ ms. Pacman around?” So then it began, our easy Ms. Pacman and Ghost Couple … Read more

Coolest Girls Group Vitamin Water Costume

So for halloween my friends and I made vitamin water label dresses all out of duct tape.  We all chose different colors and different flavors. &

For Halloween my friends and I made a girls group Vitamin Water costume all out of duct tape. We all chose different colors and different flavors. We cut out each individual letter for the VITAMIN WATER label and then we printed out the “nutrition facts” on our backs. We wrote all sorts of silly stuff. … Read more

Coolest Pregnancy X-Ray Halloween Costume

My husband and I play in an all 80s band.  I sing and he plays keyboards and rhythm guitar.  Our last show of the season was a Halloween gi

My husband and I play in an all 80’s band. I sing and he plays keyboards and rhythm guitar. Our last show of the season was a Halloween gig so he made this pregnancy X-Ray Halloween costume for me. I just bought a black long-sleeved t-shirt and black yoga pants from Walmart and some fabric … Read more

Cute Dora the Explorer Children Costume

My daughter CJ is in love with Dora the Explora as she calls it, as are all the rest of the toddler girls in the world. It was an easy decision to ma

My daughter CJ is in love with Dora the Explora as she calls it, as are all the rest of the toddler girls in the world. It was an easy decision to make her a Dora the Explorer Children Costume for Halloween. I found her the perfect color pink shirt at a craft store. We … Read more

Coolest Homemade Adult Pippy Longstocking Costume

I just went to the fabric store and bought re/white striped fabric and some regular blue fabric. I had a pattern for a shirt that I used for each and

I just went to the fabric store and bought red/white striped fabric and some regular blue fabric for my Pippy Longstocking costume. I had a pattern for a shirt that I used for each and I just left the sleeves off of the blue. I had some scrap pieces of fabric I used for the … Read more

Girls Halloween Crayola Crayon Costume

My daughter, Mycca (Micah), couldn't decide what to be for Halloween, but is a very creative little girl who loves to paint, color, all of that arts

My daughter, Mycca (Micah), couldn’t decide what to be for Halloween, but is a very creative little girl who loves to paint, color, all of that artsy stuff. We saw the idea of being a girls Halloween Crayola Crayon costume for Halloween. I make all of their costumes every year and thought this would be … Read more

Sexy Homemade Tornado Costume

A Halloween Costume to Remember:
A couple of years ago in my first semester of college, my roommates and I decided to host a Halloween party. I want

A sexy homemade Tornado costume to remember: A couple of years ago in my first semester of college, my roommates and I decided to host a Halloween party. I wanted to make a costume that people at the party would remember and ask me about it. I looked online for ideas and seen one that was … Read more

Coolest Tim Horton’s Roll Up the Rim Coffee Cup Costume

I wanted to be something that everyone would just love and what better than Tim Horton's roll up the rim cup. I purchased a garbage can for $20 spra

I wanted to be something that everyone would just love and what better than  Tim Horton’s Roll Up the Rim Coffee Cup costume. I purchased a garbage can for $20, spray painted it red and printed out all the prizes. I had to draw the arrow and hot glue all the details (the front and … Read more

Colorful Techno Rave Girl Costume

            This costume was so much fun, and extremely easy to do.  The only thing I had to make was the shi

This colorful Techno Rave girl costume was so much fun, and extremely easy to do.  The only thing I had to make was the shirt. I used an old black tank top and cut it and then used neon acrylic paint to splatter paint onto the shirt. I mixed each neon color with some glow … Read more

Creative Homemade Spider Costume

Last Halloween my un-creative friend could not come up with anything to be for halloween.   She did not like any costumes she found and is not t

Last Halloween my un-creative friend could not come up with anything to be for Halloween. She did not like any costumes she found and is not the type to make her own. She finally decided she wanted to be a spider but could not find any spider costumes anywhere. So I told her we could … Read more

Creepy Homemade Exorcist Costume

Hello my name is Rachel and my sister and I were sitting in the house one day bored with nothing to do. Halloween was fast approaching so we decided

Hello my name is Rachel and my sister and I were sitting in the house one day bored with nothing to do. Halloween was fast approaching so we decided that we would try our hand at making Halloween costumes. She decided to go down the more pretty/sexy Halloween look whereas I wanted to make my … Read more

Fun Mario, Peach, and Yoshi Family Costume

i made my dog's costume but using a green t-shit and a yard of green fabric and felt squars in red and white.  I cut the felt in the shape of a

This is our fun Mario, Peach, and Yoshi Family Costume. I made my dog’s costume but using a green t-shit and a yard of green fabric and felt squares in red and white.  I cut the felt in the shape of a hood then cut eyes out and used an old black shirt to make … Read more