Coolest Highway to Hell and Stairway to Heaven Costumes

Homemade Highway to Hell and Stairway to Heaven Costumes

My sister and I were going for a rock and roll theme when trying to decide what it was we wanted to dress up as for Halloween. We were thinking Metallica, Kiss, Ozzy, you name we thought about it! Finally we came up with songs instead of groups and this Highway to Hell and Stairway … Read more

Cute Katy Perry Costume

Homemade Katy Perry Costume

This is my homemade Katy Perry Costume. I was going for the California Girl look, from the beginning of the music video. I just bought a bra at Wal-Mart and bedazzled it with multi-colored gems that consisted of hearts, stars and a variety of different circles. The shorts were just fabric we found at JoAnn … Read more

Coolest GI Joe Costumes

Cobra Commander and Baroness Costumes

When my boyfriend and I arrived at the Halloween Party in these costumes, the crowd went NUTS with cheering and applause! There were probably 400-500 people at this party, and we might have known 50 of them. Total strangers swarmed us, followed us around and told us these were the best Halloween costumes they’d ever … Read more

Coolest Homemade Bamm Bamm Rubble Costume

Homemade Bamm Bamm Rubble Costume

With my son’s white hair and love of banging things I thought a Bamm Bamm Rubble Costume would be the perfect costume for him. I bought orange fleece to make the skirt (I used a pair of shorts as a template to get the shape and length) and sewed in an elastic band and cut … Read more

Coolest KFC Costume

Homemade KFC Costume

I needed something I could fix up quick and rather original so went for the KFC Costume. Everyone loved it and couldn’t believe how cheap it was put together. Head- Grey Hair Spray for hair and beard. Stick on beard and Harry Potter style glasses. White shirt and white trousers. some black ribbon for round … Read more

Coolest DIY Avatar Halloween Costume Idea

Homemade DIY Avatar Halloween Costume Idea

First of all the movie totally inspired me to do something similar to the Neteyri Avatar. These creatures are totally sexy in there own way and I wanted to incorporate that same look. I bought 32oz of blue latex and 8oz of black and 8oz of white latex. These products can be purchased at any … Read more

Coolest Freddy Krueger Costume

Homemade Freddy Krueger Costume

This Freddy Krueger Costume is very simple to do. First, find a striped Krueger look-a-like shirt “red and black, orange and brown, orange and black, or red and brown” any of the following combo will do. Next the Krueger hat. I used a hat I would typical use on a night out, however most hats … Read more

Coolest Homemade Roy Lichtenstein Comic Girl Costume

Homemade Roy Lichtenstein Comic Girl Costume

This is a picture of the woman in the Roy Lichtenstein painting as an actual comic book character. For this homemade Roy Lichtenstein comic girl costume I purchased a yellow wig and painted black lines in it. I also purchased white stockings and painted polka dots on it. The earrings I made out of cellophane … Read more

Coolest Bobbits Couple Costume

Homemade Bobbits Couple Costume

The Homemade Bobbits Couple Costume (John & Lorena). We have a costume Halloween party every year and we wanted something nobody else would think of. One day the vision of this costume came to me so I put it into reality. It was so easy to throw together too. For John’s costume: hubby just wore … Read more

Coolest Homemade Cabbage Patch Baby Costume

Homemade Cabbage Patch Baby Costume

This is Elyse in her Homemade Cabbage Patch Baby Costume. She is still so little I knew she would be in her stroller when we went out with her sister. I thought of putting the box right over the stroller. So all she has to really wear is a cute outfit. She is a preemie … Read more

Coolest Homemade Flintstones Group Costume

Homemade Flintstones Group Costume

My best friend and I handmade this Homemade Flintstones Group Costume! I was Betty, my son was Bamm Bamm, my boyfriend was Barney / Fred, my best friend was Wilma and her daughter was Pebbles. We had so much fun making these costumes. We made all of them a week before Halloween and we had … Read more

Coolest Avatar Costume

Homemade Avatar Costume

Last Halloween I decided to make my own Homemade Avatar Costume because I thought the ones online were too obvious and cheesy, and making you’re own is cooler because no one else is going to have it. This is everything I bought to make it: 1. 16 oz of turquoise body paint (I can’t remember … Read more