Coolest Homemade Mad Hatter Child Halloween Costume

Homemade Mad Hatter Child Halloween Costume

My five year old daughter has crazy, curly, red hair. After taking her to see the new Alice in Wonderland movie she made her hair all messy and pulled it out to the sides saying “Mommy! I’m the Mad Hatter!”. Her sister had already decided she was going to be Alice for Halloween so it … Read more

Coolest Homemade Oompa Loompa Halloween Costume

Homemade Oompa Loompa Halloween Costume

I was able to convince my two year old son that he had to be a Willy Wonka Oompa Loompa for Halloween this year. I showed him the moves and he loved the idea, on most days. For this homemade Oompa Loompa Halloween costume, I purchased a large pair of girls Capri white jeans two … Read more

Pretty DIY Oompa Loompa Costume

Coolest Oompa Loompa Costume

Here I am in an Oompa Loompa Costume from Charlie and the chocolate factory. White short dungarees which I got from a car boot sale for around £6.00, black and brown tights from eBay, a brown jumper, green wig and I had green shoes with pom poms on.) Really enjoyed this costume as I LOVE … Read more

Coolest Mad as a Hatter Costume

Homemade Mad Hatter Costume

This year my boyfriend decided he wanted to make his Halloween costume. He decided to dress up in a Homemade Mad Hatter Costume which seems like something fun and original to be. First we started by looking through his closet to see which items we could use for the pants we just cut a pair … Read more

Coolest Homemade Mad Hatter Halloween Costume

Homemade Mad Hatter Halloween Costume

I’m a huge Johnny Depp fan and once I heard he’d be starring in Disney’s new version of “Alice in Wonderland” opening in March 2010, I had to pay homage to it! Here’s my Homemade Mad Hatter Halloween Costume breakdown (if you’d like more detailed instructions, I’d be happy to oblige!): Hat: I made a … Read more

Original Homemade Edward Scissorhands Halloween Costume

DIY Edward Scissorhands Halloween Costume

Being a huge fan of Tim Burton’s Edward Scissorhands film, I found it exciting to walk a day in Edward’s shoes. My DIY Edward Scissorhands Halloween costume is a compilation of thrift store items: black belts (six to be exact), black leather pants, a black motorcycle jacket and a black sleeveless top with metal rings … Read more

Coolest Homemade Sweeney Todd and Mrs. Lovett Couple Costume

Homemade Sweeney Todd and Mrs. Lovett Couple Costume

Our Homemade Sweeney Todd and Mrs. Lovett Couple Costume was formulated the day before Halloween and could not have come out better! Ransacking various local Goodwill Superstores we were able to locate the pieces we needed in addition to pieces we implemented from home. For Sweeney Todd: From the Goodwill Superstore we located a woman’s … Read more