Coolest Homemade Ben and Jerry’s Banana Split Wheelchair Costume

Homemade Ben and Jerry's Banana Split Wheelchair Costume

The college where Grandma worked got all new Gateway computers and Grandma wondered if we could use the cool cow motif boxes for Halloween somehow. That got us thinking… Years ago we read a suggestion in Exceptional Parent magazine to incorporate the wheelchair into the Halloween costume. Obviously, we needed to figure something with cows … Read more

Coolest Homemade Box of Free Kittens Wheelchair Costume

Homemade Box of Free Kittens Wheelchair Costume

Years ago we read a suggestion in Exceptional Parent magazine to incorporate the wheelchair into the Halloween costume. We’ve had lots of fun doing just that! We did this Box of Free Kittens Wheelchair Costume when Sarah was six and Christopher was just a year old. It won a prize for “Most Creative Costume” at … Read more

Coolest Homemade Happy Camper in a Tent Wheelchair Costume

Homemade Happy Camper in a Tent Wheelchair Costume

We were trying to come up with an idea for a costume this year when we found the Not-So-Happy Camper in a Tent on this website. That gave us an idea for this Homemade Happy Camper in a Tent Wheelchair Costume. We really enjoy camping even though we don’t get the chance to do much, … Read more

Coolest Pickled Head in a Jar and Wheelchair Table Costume

Homemade Pickled Head in a Jar and Wheelchair Table Costume

Our Homemade Pickled Head in a Jar and Wheelchair Table Costume won a contest last year which made us more determined to come up with something better last year. I suffered a knee injury about two months ago, and just when I had recovered I was bitten by a venimous copperhead snake. So not completely … Read more

Gavins Optimus Prime Wheelchair Costume

Gavins Optimus Prime Wheelchair Costume 34

My son Gavin LOVES Optimus Prime so my husband and I made this Optimus Prime Wheelchair costume to fit over his wheelchair. It was a lot of work but totally worth it when we saw the look on his face!!