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The Colonel and his Bucket of Chicken Homemade Halloween Couple Costume

Every year my husband likes to dress up for Halloween. Past costumes have been spot on, not to disappoint this year, he decided to be Colonel Harland Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken. I found the glasses that Col. Sanders wore online and then found the “string tie”. The suit was from a past costume. We acquired a cane from my mother and white spray paint to whiten up his gray hair. He grew out a beard all fall and then shaved it the night before Halloween, leaving the goatee. Lapel pins added the finishing touches.

The Bucket took some planning, but I finally came up with the idea of quilting hoops for the top and the bottom edges. I used 2 old white pillow cases for the bucket. I ironed and sealed the edges with a “stitch-witchery” product and used that same product to create a hem over the bottom hoop. The top hoop threaded the pillow case edging. I purchased some red material, finished edges as mentioned before and ironed these stripes onto the white cases.  I eventually decided to just use my computer to generate the lettering and picture of Col. Sanders. The words were then taped with clear packaging tape and a hot glue gun to affix on the bucket. Straps were created from ribbon. I used zip-ties to add further stability and stretch to the edges of the bucket. There are slits on either side in case the need for using hand easily arises.

I decided to purchase a chicken hat to complete the costume. Fun and not too costly. My husband really looks like the Colonel, so this has been fun….

The Colonel and his Bucket of Chicken Homemade Halloween Couple Costume

The Colonel and his Bucket of Chicken Homemade Halloween Couple Costume

The Colonel and his Bucket of Chicken Homemade Halloween Couple Costume

The Colonel and his Bucket of Chicken Homemade Halloween Couple Costume

The Colonel and his Bucket of Chicken Homemade Halloween Couple Costume

The Colonel and his Bucket of Chicken Homemade Halloween Couple Costume

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